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Sunday 26 July 2015

Ain Soph - (464)


This article provides an excerpt by the V.M Samael Aun Weor describing the second inner most aspect of the Absolute, Ain Soph. The essential characteristic of this aspect of the Absolute is that from it emanates creation, and to it also withdraws creation. We may as V.M Samael says find the origin of our very Being there. That is our very spiritual origin lies there.


All creation emanates from Ain Soph, but creation is not equal either in essence or in power to Ain Soph. Ain Soph, through its divine, uncreated Light radiates from itself an intelligence, a power, which although it originally partook of the perfection and boundlessness of its Credo in having derived from Him, has a finite aspect. The Kabalah calls this first spiritual emanation of Ain Soph the ineffable Ancient of Days, which is the Being of our Being; the Father and Mother in us.

Ain Soph, not being able to express in the limited physical plane, ex presses by means of its “Ten Sephiroth”.

In Ain Soph there exists a strange evolution which neither the Gods nor men know.

Beyond the Intimus is the Logos, or Christ. Beyond the ineffable Ancient of Days is Ain Soph or the Absolute. Its exhalation is called the Cosmic Day (Mahamanvantara), the inhalation, Cosmic Night (Great Pralaya).

During the Cosmic Night the universe disintegrates in Ain Soph, and only exists in its mind and in that of its Gods. That, however, which exists in the mind of Him, and in the mind of Them, is objective in Absolute Abstract Space.

Before the blazing heart of the Solar System of Ors in which we live, move and have our Being began to intensely palpitate after the Great Pralaya, time did not exist, but lay sleeping within the profound bosom of Absolute Abstract Space.

If, at the end of the Mahamanvantara, the seven basic dimensions of the universe are reduced to a simple mathematical point, which becomes lost like a drop in the great Ocean, it is clear that then time ceases to exist.

Worlds like men, animals and plants are born, grow, age and die. All which breathes beneath the sun has a defined time.

Ancient wisdom says that Brahama, the Father, the Ocean of the Universal Spirit of Life, upon the arrival of the Great Night (that which the Hindu call Pralaya, or the dissolution of the universe) submerges Himself within Absolute Abstract Space for 7 Eternities.

The 7 Eternities signify “Æva”, or periods of time which are totally defined, clear and precise.”

Excerpt from the book: “Tarot and Kabbalah”, Chapter 51 by V.M Samael Aun Weor.


When creation ceases we will all withdraw to the Ain Soph, where creation will only exist in the memory of those who lived in it and those who witnessed it. We have a very spiritual part of ourselves dwelling in that aspect of the absolute here and now. How eventual goal is to find it one day, and to know it and to fuse with it.

End (464).

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