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Monday 27 July 2015

Ain Soph Aur - (465)


This article provides an excerpt by the V.M Samael Aun Weor describing the third inner (outermost) most aspect of the Absolute, Ain Soph. The essential characteristic of this aspect of the Absolute is that it is already the first order of creation. It is a very spiritual order or level of creation which has also been called the Sacred Solar Absolute. Because within it are all the spiritual suns that by their link to the source of all life within the Absolute, irradiate the life force and vitality to the orders of creation that they govern.


Each universe of infinite space possesses its own Central Sun, and the sum of all these Spiritual Suns constitutes Ain Soph Aur, the Protocosmos, the Solar Absolute.

The Solar Absolute is formed of multiple transcendental, divine Spiritual Suns.

The emanation of our “Omnimerciful and Sacred Solar Absolute” is that which Helen P. Blavatsky calls “The Great Breath” to itself, profoundly unknown...

Much has been spoken about the Sacred Absolute Sun, and obviously, every solar system is governed by one of these Spiritual Suns. They are really extraordinary sparkling Spiritual Suns having infinite splendour in space. They are radiant spheres which are never able to be perceived by the astronomers with their telescopes.

This means that our system of worlds has its own Sacred Absolute Sun, the same as all of the other solar systems in unalterable space.

The Protocosmos, or first cosmos is infinitely divine, ineffable. In it there does not exist any mechanical principle, it is governed by the One Law. If we reflect profoundly about the Solar Absolute, we will see that there exists beyond, the most complete freedom, absolute happiness, because everything is governed by the One Law.

Unquestionably, in the Sacred Solar Absolute, in the central Spiritual Sun of this system in which we live, move, and have our Being, there exists no mechanicity whatsoever, and therefore it is obvious that there reigns there the most complete blessedness.

Obviously in the central Spiritual Sun governed by the One Law, there exists the unchangeable happiness of the Eternal Living God. Unfortunately, as we distance ourselves more and more from the Sacred Absolute Sun, we enter more and more complicated worlds where automatism, mechanicity and pain enters into things.

Obviously in the second cosmos of three Laws, the Ayocosmos (planets, suns, firmaments), the joy is incomparable because materialism is less. Any atom in that region possesses in its internal nature only three atoms of the Absolute.

How different is the third cosmos, the Macrocosmos (our Galaxy, the Milky Way), governed by six Laws. Here materialism increases because any one of its atoms possesses internally, six atoms of the Absolute.

We penetrate the fourth cosmos, the Deuterocosmos (our solar system) governed by twelve Laws. Here we find that matter is much denser due to the concrete fact that any one of its atoms contains twelve atoms of the Absolute.

If we carefully examine the fifth cosmos, the Mesocosmos (the planet Earth) governed by twenty four Laws, we will see that any one of its atoms possesses in its intimate nature, twenty four atoms of the Absolute.

We may study in detail the sixth cosmos, the Microcosmos (man) governed by forty eight Laws, and we will find that in any atom of the human organism, perceived by means of Divine Clairvoyance, there are forty eight atoms of the Absolute.

We may go a little lower and we will enter the realm of the most crude materialism, the seventh cosmos, the Tritocosmos, the infernal worlds beneath the crust of the planet in which we live, which is governed by ninety six Laws. We will discover that in the first infradimensional zone the density has increased frightfully because in its intimate nature, there are ninety six atoms of the Absolute.

In the second infernal zone each atom possesses one hundred and ninety two atoms of the Absolute. In the third zone, each atom possesses in its interior three hundred and eighty four atoms of the Absolute, etc., etc., etc., the materialism thus increasing in a frightening and terrifying manner.

Upon submerging ourselves within Laws which are more and more complex, we obviously progressively make ourselves more and more independent of the Will of the Absolute and we fall into the mechanical complication of this great Nature. If we wish to reconquer freedom, we must free ourselves of such mechanicity and such Laws and return to the Father.

Ostensibly, we must struggle in a tireless manner to liberate ourselves from the 48, 24, 12, 6 and 3 Laws in order to really return to the Sacred Absolute Sun of our system.

Excerpt from the book: “Tarot and Kabbalah”, Chapter 52 by V.M Samael Aun Weor.


Quite a large excerpt was provided here, however it was done to impress upon you the reader the point that the Ain Soph Aur is both an order of creation and a part of the Absolute, which is entirely spiritual. We most certainly would not be able to see it with any telescope. However it is there and in it is our sacred Absolute Sun that guides and supplies our Solar system with the life force and light that it needs to maintain itself and evolve in creation.

End (465).

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