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Wednesday 29 July 2015

Blue Earth and the Start of Life - (472)

Blue Earth

The Earth is blue because of all the water on its surface. From outer space the Earth appears to look like a blue and white marble with its blue colour owing to its large ocean that covers about 71% of its entire surface area.

Certainly water is the most important element on this planet, because about 2/3 of it is water and it is stated that 97% of all the life forms of the planet are found in its waters.

Today scientists say that there about 10 million species of creatures dwelling in the Earth’s oceans that are yet to be discovered.

Start of Life

It is also stated that all life or living matter emerged from the ocean. Making the Earth’s oceans like a Mother or a womb. In fact the fluid or liquids (waters) inside a mother’s womb while the unborn child is gestating are salty just like the ocean.

Even as Master Samael says the continents emerge from the salty ocean. The oceans are salty because of the Alchemy of creation, where salt, mercury and sulphur are needed according to Alchemy to forge any creation. Therefore the Earth’s oceans contain both the salt and the Mercury and the Divinity provides the Sulphur the Spirit.


The largest ocean is the Pacific, which covers an area greater than all of the Earth’s land masses put together. Its deepest point is 10900 metres below sea level, in a location called the Marianna’s trench.
The Atlantic Ocean is the one used the most by the world’s ships. It is also the most salty and is the ocean which provides most of the world’s seafood.

The Indian Ocean is the Earth’s third greatest ocean, with it lying mainly below or south of the equator. The Indian Ocean contains the most islands more than any other ocean.

The Arctic Ocean is the smallest ocean and is located in the very north of the planet with most of its surface being frozen.


The Oceans are precious they are our Mother, they are full of life, they are the origin of life, they contain immense amounts of prana and they united as one Ocean are our Mother can therefore manifest things for us in life. This is a bit of a clue if you are wanting something here in the physical world.

End (472).

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