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Tuesday 28 July 2015

What Is the Number of the Absolute? - (471)


As a brief answer the number of the Absolute is 13, named after the thirteenth aeon. This article using various excerpts will explain why the Absolute’s number is 13.

The main reason being that the Absolute encompasses all and the number thirteen as you will see through the excerpts presented in this article, also contains everything.

Excerpt 1

The Ten Sephiroths or emanations, plus the AIN SOPH AUR and the AIN SOPH are, in reality, the Twelve Aeons.

The Twelve Aeons are, in reality, Twelve Regions.

The Thirteenth Aeon is terribly Divine.”

Excerpt from the book: “Pistis Sophia Unveiled”, Chapter 28 by V.M Samael Aun Weor.

Excerpt 2

The Thirteenth Aeon reminds us of the Thirteen Heavens of the Aztecs or Nahuas from ancient Mexico.

There also exists Thirteen Katuns among the Mayas of Yucatan, Palenque, and Central America in general.

These are the Thirteen prophetic Katuns, Thirteen periods of time for each human race.

Obviously, the prophecies for each one of the past Katuns of our Arian race were exactly fulfilled.
Actually, we are approaching the Thirteenth Katun.

The Mayas say that between the years 2040 and 2043, the Thirteenth Katun will enter into activity.

The great catastrophe that will destroy the actual Humanity that lives in the five continents of the world will occur during the Thirteenth Katun.

Our Solar System has n worlds, which are as follows: Earth, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Vulcan, Persephone and Clarion.

The Thirteen Katuns, the Thirteen Worlds, the Thirteen Heavens of Anahuac keep the relation with the Thirteen Sephiroths of the Hebraic Kabbala as follows:

                Ain, Ain Soph, Ain Soph Aur.
                Kether, Chokmah, Binah, Chesed, Geburah, Tiphereth, Netzach, Hod, Jesod, Malkuth.

These are the Thirteen Aeons or Suprasensible Atomic Regions, which are mutually penetrating and co-penetrating without being confused.

Beyond these Thirteen Aeons, is the Unmanifested Absolute.”

Excerpt 3

The Gnostics divide the Universe into thirteen Aeons. An Aeon is a dimension; a dimension that contains its own space, time and matter, therefore there are thirteen Aeons. So that we can understand this better, they divide those thirteen Aeons into a First Space and a Second Space.

The First Space is where the thirteenth Aeon is found. The Second Space is where the rest of the Aeons are contained, which are the twelfth, eleventh, tenth, ninth, eighth, seventh, sixth, fifth, fourth, third, second and first. Second Space is from top to bottom, from twelve to one. Therefore the thirteenth Aeon is found in the First Space, and the rest of the Aeons are in the Second Space.

These two spaces are important, and we should not confuse them with the Ain, Ain Soph and Ain Soph Aur of the Kabalah, the three circles of the Absolute. Let us leave this aside for a moment, because they are two different subject matters, although it is true that the First Space, where the thirteenth Aeon is, directly connects to the Kabalistic Ain, that is certain, but we are not trying to place the rest in the other circles of the Absolute now, mainly not to confuse the student. We can certainly establish a relationship, but we prefer not to do this here so to study this completely separately.

I repeat, First Space, Thirteenth Aeon; Second Space, the rest of the Aeons. Beyond Second Space, where Aeons twelve to one are, is found what is called the abyss, hell.

Excerpt from the document: “Pistis Sophia”, by Rafael Vargas.

Excerpt 4

Thirteen is a very complete and representative number, in that it is the universe, personal and external, as a single universe. If we understand this and above all if we draw it on the blackboard, the student begins to put it into context. It will seem like all of this is external to him, but we tell him, it is not external to you, it is part of you.

It could be said that the thirteen Aeons within us are all the intimate aspects of the human being. Let us begin with number one which is the physical aspect; two, the vital aspect; three, the astral; four, the mental; five, the Human Soul where will is also contained; six the Buddhic Body or Geburah; seven, the Intimate, Chesed; eight, the Holy Spirit; nine, the Christ; ten, the Elder of the Days. Towards within, the third circle, the second circle and first circle of the Absolute. All of this forms part of each one of us. The physical energy, the etheric energy, the astral or emotional energy, the mental energy, the energy of will, the energy of the consciousness, the energy of Pure Spirit which is a high frequency, and the energy divided into three parts which is the Trinity; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. All of this is contained within a human being, but furthermore it is contained within a tree, because a tree is physical, etheric, astral, mental, it has will, consciousness, spirit, and so on. Everything that exists, exists in thirteen ways, in thirteen vibrations, thirteen levels of matter and Spirit. Therefore this is directly connected to our psychology, our physical and energetic behaviour. Energy is moved by our character, our way of being, sometimes with serenity and sweetness, other times with wrath and violence; emotional energies, energies of thoughts, of preoccupations, or on the contrary, of positive imagination. The energy of ill will, the energy of good will, the will of the Father, and so forth in a scale of thirteen values, which correspond not only with the dimensions but also with aspects of our own psychology, soul and spirit.”

Excerpt from the document: “Pistis Sophia”, by Rafael Vargas.


Thirteen is indeed a very mysterious and magical number and as the excerpts in this article suggest it is a very complete number, because in it, is contained the whole of the universe outside of ourselves and also inside of ourselves.

The excerpts show how the number thirteen has set up creation and also governs creation. The thirteen Katuns, the thirteen planets and the twelve dimensions plus the Ain really map out all of creation, and furthermore as above below, we also have the thirteen working inside of us, that is in our Being.

So as the Absolute encompasses all of creation and the all of creation is the number 13, then a number for the Absolute is 13.

End (471).


  1. The cosmology of the Pleroma, from Greek meaning “the fullness” (that is the “totality of Divine Powers”) is a mystical teaching of Coptic Gnostic Christianity, recorded in the story of Pistis Sophia, (lit. “Faith Wisdom”) which comes to us from several sources. This version from the Askew Codice, written in the 3rd or 4th century, one of three documenting the Gnostic tradition known to exist prior to the discovery of the Nag Hammadi Library in upper Egypt in 1945. The Pistis Sophia tells us that its teachings were given by Jesus to his disciples, including three women, Mother Mary, Magdalene and Martha, for eleven years after his resurrection. We are told that for most of this time Jesus revealed only the lower mysteries until at some point he became fully enlightened and was able to transmit the higher mysteries. Gnosticism emerged from Judaic, Zoroastrianism and Neo-Platonism, particularly the cosmology of the Timaeus, merging with early Christianity in the 1st and 2nd centuries. A number of different sects developed in the middle east, each with slightly different details of the story.

    The Pistis Sophia is the story of Sophia’s fall from grace and her eventual redemption. She is identified with the soul and as the opposite, the syzygy, of Jesus. thus her’s is the journey of the soul. In the Askew Codice she falls from the 13th Aeon a lofty yet not Divine position in the cosmology, to the level of the Archons, the Fallen Lords who rule the lower material planes, where she is persecuted, but with her repentent efforts and desire to serve the light, a process of awakening, she is eventually restored to her lofty position. Other version particularly the Apocryphon of John manuscript in the Nag Hammadi library, she is seen as a divine being who falls into material form. Like Jesus her mission is to bring gnosis, knowledge, to earth.
    The Pleroma exist only in this galaxy, the aeons beings inhabit the galactic core. Periodically it emits cosmic substance into the galactic arms to create the lower worlds of experience. Sophis came forth as such, creating our solar system and becoming the “living matrix” in which we all exist.

    The teaching and cosmology of the Pistis Sophia is unique among the mystery traditions in its straight forward recognition of the existence of the Shadow, the Fallen Dark or evil, the Archons, its effect in our lives and how to overcome it. These are inorganic conscious but souless beings formed before the earth and appearing as a pre-natal human form. Most people, even those on a mystical spiritual path, tend the deny the reality of the Dark, unable and/or unwilling to deal with it, although many of these individuals working in the astral planes have come face to face with it, usually unprepared and suffering the consequences as a result. The mystery school acknowledges its existence and trains its initiates in the art of self protection when traveling in the higher dimensions that is, building and using shields. As the teacher admonishes, “Never leave home without them.”
    The purpose/agenda of the Archons is to obstruct humanity’s spiritual enlightenment which they do by manipulating our minds by influencing the way we perceive reality. They have rejected the soverignity of the divine creator, convinced that they, themselves, are the creators of the world. However, like all life forms, they must have light to survive, and so have become parasite, feeding on human subtle energies, light. and so do everything in their power to maintain control over humanity. Most of all they do not want us to know of there existence and agenda. And so they enlist the assistance of religions, corporations politicians, to implement their agenda.

  2. a great summary, scavitza. thanks for this.

  3. Thanks for information
