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Tuesday 28 July 2015

Is the Absolute Chaos? - (469)


This is an interesting question to the human being, one that when we search inside ourselves for an answer we find that we can accept that the Absolute has something to do with chaos because it is the origin of everything, yet something in us does not like that it is chaos, because chaos implies disorder and randomness and an absence of intelligence.

This excerpt from V.M Samael Aun Weor nicely clears this up for us.


The Cosmos comes from Chaos and from the darkness springs forth the Light; let us pray profoundly.

In all of the sacred books of the world it is written with words of fire that the Chaos is the seedbed of the Cosmos.

The Nothing, Chaos, is clearly, without the slightest doubt, Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end of all worlds which live and palpitate in the unalterable infinite.

In the Brahmin Aitareya, the magistral and precious lesson of the Rig Veda, the tremendous similarity between those enlightened ideas of the Brahmin and those of the Pythagoreans is clearly demonstrated time and again because the one, as the other, is based in mathematics. In the abovementioned Hindu work the Black Fire, Dark Abstract Wisdom, Absolute Light, unconditioned and without name is frequently alluded to.

That Abstract Seity, the primitive Zero-Aster of the Parsis, the Nothing saturated with life, That. That. That...

God Himself, that is to say, the Army of the Voice, the Verb, the Great Word, is dead when the Great Pralaya, the Cosmic Night comes; and is reborn, most divine at the dawn of the divine Mahamanvantara.

The Absolute Radical Zero of transcendental arithmetic, abstract space in geometry, the unknowable Seity (not to be confused with the Deity, which is different), is not born, nor dies, nor reincarnates.

From all that unknowable, or Radical Zero, emanates at the beginning of any sidereal universe, the Pythagorean Monad, the Gnostic Father-Mother, the Hindu Purusha-Prakriti, the Egyptian Osiris-Isis, the kabalistic Dual Protocosmos or Adam-Kadmon, the Theos-Chaos of the theogony of Hesiod, the Chaldean Uranus, or Fire and Water, the Semite lod-Heve, the Parsi Zeru-Ama the One and Only, the Buddhist Aunadad Ad, the Rauch Elohim or Divine Spirit of the Lord floating above the waters of the first moment of Genesis.”

Excerpt from the book: “Tarot and Kabbalah”, Chapter 51 by V.M Samael Aun Weor.


The real key to it all is in the words “seedbed of the Cosmos”. Because in the seed is enclosed all the powers and intelligence for creation to burst forth. Creation is just the unfolding of the principles and powers latent in the seed. The Absolute is not creation and so it must be the seed or contain the seeds of creation, and enclosed in those seeds is order, intelligence and the great powers of life.

End (469).

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