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Monday 27 July 2015

Is the Absolute Light Or Darkness?- (468)


Having read the previous articles one may come to the conclusion that the Absolute is darkness. However, as the following excerpt indicates to us, darkness and light are very relative. In some ways, yes the Absolute is darkness but in many other ways it is light.


Darkness is in itself Father-Mother; the Light, their Son so says ancient wisdom.

Clearly, the Uncreated Light has an unknown origin, absolutely unknown to us.

We are in no manner exaggerating if we put emphasis on the idea that such origin is Darkness.

We may speak now of the borrowed, cosmic, secondary light; obviously whatever its origin, and beautiful though it may be, it has at root, a transitory nature, illusory, of Maya.

The ineffable Profound Darkness forms then the Eternal Womb, within which the origins of the light appear and disappear.

It is said that the Absolute is darkness, from the darkness comes the light. The Uncreated Light of the Absolute comes from the profound darkness of the Great Night; from that darkness which does not have light springs forth the Uncreated Light. If we were to place ourselves there we would see nothing more than an abyss and profound darkness. For the inhabitants of the Absolute (the Parama rthasattyas) however, that darkness is Uncreated Light, made neither by man nor by God, where reigns inexhaustible happiness, inconceivable joy.

There exist tremendous geniuses of evil like Belial, Bael, Moloch, etc., terrible Masters.

Knowing that the light comes from the darkness, they hurled themselves to the Abyss, even though knowing that they would involute. From the Abyss comes the Light, due to this we must descend to the darkness to destroy the “I”, Satan, so as to extract the light from the darkness.

By means of the fire the Gods arise from the Abyss and become lost in the Absolute.

Light and darkness are phenomena of the same Noumenon, unknown, profound, inconceivable to reason.

That we may more or less perceive the light which shines in the darkness is something which depends upon our power of spiritual vision. The Absolute is profound darkness to the human eye; and Uncreated and terrible Light to the ineffable hierarchy of the Paramarthasattyas.

“That which for us is light, is darkness to certain insects; and the spiritual eye sees illumination where the normal eye only perceives darkness...”

The universe submerged in the Pralaya after the Mahamanvantara, dissolved in its primordial element, has no choice other than to rest in the profound darkness of infinite space.

It is urgent to understand deeply the profound mystery of the chaotic darkness.

The Cosmos comes from Chaos and from the darkness springs forth the Light; let us pray profoundly.
In all of the sacred books of the world it is written with words of fire that the Chaos is the seedbed of the Cosmos.

Excerpt from the book: “Tarot and Kabbalah”, Chapter 51 by V.M Samael Aun Weor.


The Absolute is only darkness to our mind, but to our consciousness and spirit it is not. The light comes from the darkness, this is certainly true, even within us, within our particular universe. When we have the unknown in us, that is in our psychology and inner constitution and we shed the light of our awareness on it, it becomes known and darkness is transformed into light. When we concentrate and carefully observe that which has come to be known, the known is converted into comprehension and then the light renews itself and spreads, fulfilling the principle that light makes light and more light, never can light make darkness but from darkness can come light.

Essentially, darkness is the absence of light, and we can not have darkness if we do not have light. So then the uncreated light is the light that has not entered into creation, and in creation is there is certainly light and darkness, however in the Absolute which is beyond duality there must only be the uncreated light. Where there is only one thing there can not be the opposite, so in the Absolute there can only be uncreated light, which to the consciousness is light, but to our mind it is darkness.

There is also a superior type of darkness and this is what the Absolute is. This superior type of darkness is the darkness of what we do not know. In itself it is light but for us it is darkness because our light can not extended or penetrate deep enough for us to be able to perceive it. The darkness of the Absolute is certainly not the darkness of hell or of evil, but of a superior kind – that is more the darkness of the unknown.

End (468).

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