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Wednesday 8 July 2015

Lust Breaks Order and All Limits – (451)


Lust as a defect has one very strong and important characteristic to know and understand. This characteristic is that it constantly breaks barriers. Its expressions are all about breaking the order of things and the balance.

The ancient Lemurians fell because they broke the cosmic order of spilling the sexual energy (semen) and performing the sexual act outside of the temple. Lust does the same in us many times over on many different levels.


To transgress means to go past or beyond a limit or barrier. Lust was the one in all human beings that urged and pushed human beings to go past the natural and cosmic order ot r limit of things. Lust is still doing that in ourselves today.

Just look inside ourselves if we have lust and look at the situation in the world. Lust is growing like crazy and is breaking more and more barriers and making it legal at the same time. Lust is it getting more indecent and is making its decencies legal and therefore setting itself up to reign and stay for good.

Lust Hates Limits or to be Stopped

In lust we find that it wants freedom for its desires and fantasies. It does not want to know about a limit or having to refrain, sacrifice or stop, and this is because in its nature is to go as far past any limits and to know what is there and so lust goes and goes beyond all limits to total degeneration to know the depths and limits of creation. That is why the fractioning of sexuality into infrasexuality is infinite and there are so many weird diversions and perversions.


That is a major characteristic of lust, its constant transgression or overpassing order, barriers of decency and balance. If we stop this nature on all levels and embrace a sexuality that is in order and is for the Being in us, we can reduce lust and eventually dissolve it as it is not needed anymore in our life, because we have already created in ourselves a different sexuality.

End (451).

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