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Wednesday 8 July 2015

Maguey a Champion Plant and Elemental – (450)


I love my Maguey and all Maguey plants. They are so powerful and full of vitality. When you water them and give them nutrient rich soil to grow in, they become so happy that you can feel the vibes of happiness coming from them.

A happy plant is one that is very prone to help us. This post will mention a little how the powerful elemental of the Maguey plant can help us.

Here below is a picture of healthy and happy Maguey plant.

Elemental and Mantra

Master Samael says that the elemental of the Maguey plant belongs to Jupiter and it is a very powerful elemental that can also help heal one’s mind.

I have used it many times to help calm my mind and also clean my mind. One can concentrate on the elemental and chant the following mantra given to us by V.M Samael Aun Weor.


Help with Happiness and Prana

As with all happy plants they exude waves of vitality, which is very helpful, because when a plant is happy and full of vitality it releases lots of oxygen and prana which is very beneficial for us to breathe in, and absorb into our body and consciousness.

Simply be near such a happy and vitality rich plant, and breath.

Help with Protection

The Maguey plant and elemental can also be asked to protect your house especially when you go away on holidays. Because the Maguey belongs to Jupiter it can command any intruder to turn back and not carry through with their intention of intruding.

The elemental can also protect us from negative attacks or ill-will.

Help with the Mind

This elemental of the Maguey can certainly help clam, energise, refresh and clean our mind. One has to concentrate on the elemental while sitting in front of the plant. Then while touching one of its leaves pray to it asking for its help. Then resort to chanting the mantra and repeating as many times as you wish this combination of your petition plus the mantra.


Help with the Astral Unfolding

The elemental of the Maguey can also if we ask it, consciously take us out into the astral plane. It may take some time before it does it, but if we are persistent and full of faith it will one day do it. Just don’t get scared.


Love a Maguey plant and work with it for the good and I think you will really get some nice and interesting results.

End (450).

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