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Thursday 9 July 2015

Sexuality is Like a Tree – (454)


Sexuality is really like a huge tree, it connects to the Earth and stretches out towards the heavens. It receives from above and below and transmits to the Earth and the heavens and stretches downwards to the interior of the Earth and upwards towards the heavens.

There is the family tree (the result of sexuality) and there is the tree of the science of good and evil which is the symbol for sexuality. This post is about explaining this interesting analogy between sexuality and trees.

To the Earth

Trees with their roots extend deep into the Earth and so anchor themselves there. The roots are the very Earthly part of the tree and through the tree’s roots it draws nourishment up for its existence. Sexuality is like that, when it descends or is focussed outwardly it spreads out and fragments just like a tree’s root system. It either creates children or it fragments into hundreds of various other types of inferior types of sexualities, which are usually a mixture of sex with other elements, and these mixtures are often strange.

When sexuality works in this way descending and fragmenting it takes us deeper into the Earth, into matter and makes us eventually part of the entrails of the earth, that is the abyss. We end up entering the very depths of the Earth to become melded with Her the Earth. She digests us and makes us one with Her then she moves us through her various parts from the interior or inferior to the surface or superior, so we begin to become a mineral, then a tree, then an animal then a humanoid.

To the Heavens

Sexuality is like the branches of the tree in that when we transmute we look upwards towards the heavens and the heavens inside of ourselves. We send that transmuted energy flying towards our inner Divinity and Being where it enters into our interior cosmos to create, that is to crystallise in the form of superior creations within our interior. The transmuted energy can also enter our interior Absolute enhancing and making our Being shine more brightly.

The branches of a tree seek the heavens by stretching out towards the sky just as what the transmuted sexual energy does, it is the property of transmuted mercury that is like a vapour that soars upwards.
The trees also make oxygen which the very essence of air. The production of oxygen is a result of transmutation.

Trees Transmute

They receive from below and receive from above and transmute from above to give to below and transmute from what is received from below to stretch upwards and produce air. The sexual energy system in the human being is the same. We receive nourishment from the Earth in the form of air, water and food to create the sexual energy and we can use that to raise ourselves spiritually by transmuting it and then transmitting it to the Being in us. We also receive energy from our Being and the cosmos which we can use to raise ourselves up spiritually as well, but which we also transform and transmit to the Earth to nourish the Earth and give us force in life and in the work on ourselves.


What doesn’t make sense is spilling the energy, there the work of our body transforming the nourishment of the Earth is wasted and then lacking the material prima we can not give anything to our Being in our interior heavens.

A tree receives nourishment from the Earth and light from above to create oxygen, if a tree would spill its energy then it would not produce oxygen.

So a tree represents what sexuality can do and a tree also shows us what transmutation can do. A tree is like a conduit of energy and a transformer of energy and substances, just as we are.

End (454).

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