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Tuesday 14 July 2015

The Esoteric Heart - (455)


It is really worth going to and cultivating the powers of the heart. For the sake of mystical, refuge, displacing the ever powerful intellect and to draw closer to our Being, who resides in the heart.

What is There

In the heart we find what we are. There is no mind in the heart and so there are no false creations or creations that are have been made up or dreamed up or projected. In the heart there is only what is real, only what is there and what is there is the Real Being, our ultimate reality and our current reality. It is the core of what we are, in our heart we find what is us and what is dearest to us. Therefore love can never be absent from the heart.


In the heart we find intuition, peace, mystical refuge, noble values, dwelling of Being, voice of silence and much more.

Vast Space for All

In the heart we may put many things there. There is much space for others, for the world, for causes and for love.


In the heart we can rest in peace. The best way to die physically is to be able to have the chance to be in our heart.

Not Ego!

In the heart we are not the ego! We are not a criminal etc. in the heart, we are our core values in the heart. We are our love our tenderness, our essential, raw, core human values are there.

Going There

A really effective way of going there is using a marvellous mantra: GATA GATE PARAGATE PARASAM GATE BODHI SWAHA. Concentrate on the heart and chant this mantra trying really hard to not think about anything and the power of this mantra combined with the quiet mind will take us to our heart.


The heart belongs to the element of air and so cultivating the heart allows us to fly in the astral and even Master Samael says the power to take the physical body into a state of Jinas. That is submerge our own physical body into the fourth dimension.


It is certainly worth cultivating the heart. In this day and age we need to do it, because the mind and the intellect is being used more and more and here in the West the tendency is for us all to become more and more mind which is cold and lunar.


End (455).

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