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Thursday 2 July 2015

Stages in Defeating Death – (445)


In esotericism death is always mentioned. In the sense of its mystery, and in meeting those who have died, knowing why and how others have died, encounters with death, struggles with death and of course defeating death. Much of the esotericism is centred around obtaining the elixir of life, the definite sign that one has conquered death. Certainly one hears many stories and legends of those who have obtained immortality.

This post however, is just to present in outline form, not in any depth the stages known in esotericism where death in one degree or another is defeated.

First Stage - Acceptance

The first stage is where one comes to understand life deeply and comes to accept that death in the form that it takes is inevitable. When we see death as a natural part of life, as something that is a natural process and is just like growing up but in reverse and is something necessary for life and nature. Then the sadness and fear of death in some way decreases a lot. We in this stage start to stop being victims of death, that is being totally afraid, horrified and deeply sad about it.

Second Stage - Awaken

The second stage where we can come to somewhat defeat death as well know it is to awaken. When we are awaken that is we know that we are an essence or a consciousness and we can unfold consciously into the astral plane as an essence, death as we know is transformed into a change of suit or dress. It is certainly not an unknown and it is certainly not a loss of everything or a loss of ourselves.

Third Stage - Test of Destiny

The third stage is the test of destiny. This is a very intense and definitive encounter with Death. Where basically the initiate must defeat death in the sense of his or her mechanical destiny, whose aim is to take us to a mechanical death is defeated. There a new line of life is opened up to us, a new line which is different to our mechanical line of destiny and of course on this new line our death will be totally different from what it was destined to be.

Fourth Stage – Karma Transferred to the Being

Later after one has walked this new line of life for some time, the karma one has is transferred to tone’s Being for Him to be in charge of its payments. This is very good news as now our Being is the one that sets the way it is paid and this implies freedom from the conditions imposed on us by the Law or our karma and allows us a an even newer line of life or destiny. Bit by bit the Being takes his or our destiny into His hands. Payment of karma turned over to the Being for not to death

Fifth Stage – Death Transferred to the Being

After some time of having had our karma transferred to our Being Death grants our Death to be turned over to our Being. Now our death , the time and the circumstances and internal state when we die is all in the hands of the our Being. Contract signed between person, Being and Death where death leaves you alone

Sixth Stage – Death Infuses Life

In this stage, a encounter with Death is had. There Death infuses life into the initiate to protect him or her from accidents and any mechanical type of death. Here there is enough life in the person of the Being of the person to be free from any accident or mechanical destined death and the Being can prolong the life of the person for as long as is needed.

Seventh Stage – Death Grants Immortality

Here Death makes the person immortal given certain conditions. That is Death grants immortality to the person either conditionally or completely. Conditionally may mean, that the person can die if killed, or involved in an accident or if the person commits suicide, but will not die if none of old age or something in the body, only due to an external cause.


These seven stages are basically achieved in the initiatic path. We have to walk the path towards our inner Being to achieve one by one each of these broad stages.

End (445).

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