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Wednesday 1 July 2015

Repolarising Self-Love – (444)


Dissolving the ego, any ego is really about repolarising it, which is to change its direction or to turn it around into its opposite or the virtue, which happens to be the way the free essence takes.

With Self-Love

When we work on self-love we come to repolarise it in the sense that one starts to stop feeling happy in receiving and one begins to feel happy when not receiving and is more compelled to give love rather than receive love. Also one does not feel happy when misses the chance to give love or even worse couldn’t bring oneself to give love.

Sometimes it is not necessary to give love towards another but to direct that love towards our own inner Being and then with that love flowing inwardly and upwards we feel complete and satisfied and the hurt we may have felt is now neutralised.


Dissolving self-love is about changing the flow of love, with self-love we have a vacuum where we wait and expect love to flow towards us from others. Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn’t.
When love does not flow towards us, something in that vacuum turns sour in us and then a type of self-created hurt, offence, feeling bad about ourselves is created and then that feeling flows out of us in the form of anger.

When we do though get a flow of love from others a self-created sickly love is created in that vacuum and we feel good about ourselves and we love the other person. But that love is very fickle as soon as they do something we don’t like that love is gone. In both cases in receiving and not receiving love what is created depends on the flow of love from others. The real self-love is a love that is created from ourselves and by ourselves independent of the flow of love from others.

To dissolve self-love we need that flow to start from ourselves and go inwardly towards our Being and then outwardly towards others. That is the best!

End (444).

1 comment:

  1. That was very nice and clear explaination for self-love. Thanks
