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Wednesday 29 July 2015

What Is Alchemy? - (475)


Alchemy can be defined in a few different way. One way is to define Alchemy is by using the semantics of the word itself. The word Alchemy is sometimes considered to be an acronym and sometimes considered to be a two part word. Nevertheless both versions when broken down give an adequate definition of Alchemy. These two breakdowns are given below.

Alchemy – Composite Word

Al (as a connotation of the Arabic word Allah: al-, the +ilah, God) means “The God”. Also Al (Hebrew) for highest” or El “God”. Chem or Khem is from kimia (Greek) which means “to fuse or cast a metal”. Also from Khem, the ancient name for Egypt. The synthesis is Al-Kima: “to fuse with the highest” or “to fuse with God.

Excerpt from the glossary of the book: “The Mystery of the Golden Blossom”, by V.M Samael Aun Weor, published by Glorian, 2010.

An Art

Instead of dealing with chemistry, occultism, and religion as distinct and separate subjects, alchemy has definitely taught the unity of all Life and Manifestation. It has attempted, and I think successfully, to correlate chemistry, occultism, religion, astrology, magic, and mythology, and to present them all as parts of the One Manifestation. It has attempted also to show that as the health and well-being of the body are as necessary to true religion as true religion is necessary to a healthy and balanced body, so occultism, elucidating as it does the unseen aspects of man, is necessary to both. By true religion, of course, I mean, not the dogmatic teaching of any one church or sect, but the Law of Life and Living; and by occultism, the manifestation of Powers working through and with Man to his ultimate perfection.”

Alchemy as a study is a science and when applied practically it is a work (Great work) and an art. The work of transmuting the base metals of the personality into the gold of the spirit is in its own right, a proper art. One has to know how to do this work properly, making it an art.


As the above excerpts indicate Alchemy is a spiritual art, science and work, whose fundamental aim is the transformation of the human being into a state that will allow the fusion with the interior Divinity.

As a study, Alchemy is very interesting as it combines in one: chemistry, mysticism, mythology, esotericism and astrology. This interweaving produces a very interesting and special study, which turns out to be the science of esoteric/spiritual development.

End (475).

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