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Thursday 30 July 2015

What is the Purpose of Alchemy? - (476)


The reason why one would study and practice Alchemy is two-fold. With one reason being to create and the other reason being to dissolve. As you would have gleamed from the previous post, Alchemy is a work of using the sexual forces of the human being to create and to dissolve. The sexual force has that innate power of being able to create and being able to dissolve.

With the study and practice of the ancient art of Alchemy one comes to be able to create inside of  themselves and to dissolve the false and unnecessary creations that also lie within. The following excerpt from the Venerable Master Samael Aun Weor, who was a tremendous practitioner of the Alchemical arts said in relation to the purpose of Alchemy the following words.

Excerpt 1

As above, so below. Above, the nebula is needed in order for the worlds to emerge, and in order for this to happen crude matter is needed. The crude matter is the Arche, a mixture of Salt, Sulphur and Mercury.

Here below, within the Microcosm (the human being), it is also necessary to elaborate the nebula with Salt, Sulphur and Mercury. Thus, the existential superior bodies of the Being emerge below, just as the worlds emerge above.

We must make here in small, within the Microcosm (human being), what the Great Architect of the universe made in large in the Macrocosm, because as above, so below. This is how the existential superior bodies of the Being come to emerge.

Hence, it is necessary to create the Arche in ourselves, within ourselves. The Arche is Salt, plus Sulphur and Mercury. As above, so below.

The physical body, as well as the Astral, Mental and Causal bodies crystallize within the Microcosm by creating the Arche. The solar bodies are made with the third Mercury, which is the Arche.”

Excerpt from the lecture: “The Arche”, by V.M Samael Aun Weor.

The entire secret of the Great Work then consists of knowing how to make Mercury, how to create the Arche, which is the intimate and particular nebula from where our distinct bodies must emerge.”

Excerpt from the lecture: “The Arche”, by V.M Samael Aun Weor.

Commentary on Excerpt 1

The excerpt above is really stating that Alchemy is the means by which a human being can complete an inner creation. It turns out that we as human beings are an incomplete creation, in the sense that inside of ourselves as yet, a mini-universe has not been made. We are part of the universe outside of ourselves but within we lack this creation and organization. Alchemy is the work with the sexual force to complete this inner creation and thus achieve self-realisation.

The next excerpt covers what is it that we create within ourselves through Alchemy.

Excerpt 2

“The book of Genesis is related with the Great Work.

The first day of Genesis corresponds to the work in the Abyss and to the first seal of the Apocalypse.

The second day of Genesis corresponds to the work with the water, the Vital body.

The third day of Genesis corresponds to the Astral body.

The fourth day of Genesis corresponds to the Mental body.

The fifth day corresponds to the Causal body.

The sixth day of Genesis corresponds to the sixth seal of the Apocalypse, to the Buddhic or intuitional body.

Next, the seventh seal, the seventh day of creation is the day of rest.

The work is performed in six days or periods of time. On the seventh day there is rest and on the eighth day the resurrection of the Lord is achieved.

Therefore, the books of Genesis and Apocalypse complement each other.”

Excerpt from the lecture: “The Arche”, by V.M Samael Aun Weor.

Commentary on Excerpt 2

It is quite clear then that with Alchemy what is created within us are the inner bodies or what are called the superior existential bodies of the Being. Which means it is these internal bodies that allow us to manifest in a dimension of nature that is made up of the same material as the body. For example, with a mental body we can move, express and manifest ourselves in the Mental dimension of nature. This can not be done with the physical body as it is now here in the physical dimension. When we create a body we gain access to that dimension within ourselves and we work to acquire the dominion of ourselves in that dimension.

The following excerpt shows us what the practice Alchemy dissolves within us.

Excerpt 3

Reference is made to Man in an Anahuac codex, which states:

“The Gods created men from wood and after having created them, they fused them with the Divinity.”

However, not all humans achieve the fusion with Divinity.

Obviously, Man (the human being) who is fused with Divinity is the Super-Man.

The majority of Initiates succeed in converting themselves into true Men, but they do not reach the state of Super-Men.

In order for oneself to become a true Man, the creation of the solar bodies is necessary. Many Initiates succeed in creating the bodies and they naturally receive their superior, animated, spiritual principles, that is to say, they have transformed themselves into legitimate Men, into authentic humans.

However, we must emphasize that despite being authentic humans, they have not eliminated the Dry-Mercury (ego), nor the Arsenic-Sulphur (passional fire).

What then happens? These Initiates do not always perfect their bodies. They do not succeed in making their bodies of pure Gold. They only succeed in creating them, however, they do not succeed in transmuting their bodies into Gold of the finest quality.

Therefore, these Initiates remain as Hanasmussen. They are Hanasmussen because in reality they have not eliminated the ego. Such human examples are failures.”

Excerpt from the lecture: “The Arche”, by V.M Samael Aun Weor.

Commentary on Excerpt 3

We need then to dissolve the false and wrong creations that we have within our psyche. These are the vile metals or the dry mercury and the arsenified sulphur. We must use the Alchemy or the sexual force to create, however if we do not use the same sexual force to dissolve, the work of completing our creation will fail.


In conclusion, the reasons for studying and practicing Alchemy are summarised very neatly in the Alchemical Latin expression “Solve et Coagula”. Which literally means to dissolve and to coagulate, or in other words to dissolve the false creations and build the new, authentic and real creations, so that the Divinity that we have within us can reside in us here and now in the physical world.

End (476).

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