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Thursday 13 August 2015

About Awakening – (494)

Awakening - the Heart of Any Spiritual Doctrine

Awakening - this is one of the hearts of the Gnostic doctrine and for that matter, any spiritual or esoteric doctrine or endeavour that wishes to transform he human being. Any attempt towards a change for the better will fail if there is no new awakening produced.

Awakening to See Reality

Awakening is to see reality in its various levels and depths and furthermore it is to see what is commonly not seen.

Awakening allows one to understand the things that previously were not understood and allows one to see the deeper causes of the present, and the future that the present actions will unfold.

Several Awakenings

There are several types of awakenings which we must gradually arrive at. There are the physical, psychological and esoteric awakenings. We can start working in the psychological awakening and later progress to the esoteric or spiritual awakening. The psychological awakening is to see our full inner reality and with that capacity come to always be aware and in control of our psychological (intellectual and emotional) processes.

Awakening Brings

Awakening brings new knowledge and experience which is extraordinarily powerful, as it removes suffering, produces changes and allows one full control over oneself.

Awakening Critical

Awakening is so critical for us, because we are dormant to so many things, the more awakened a human being is the more control one has over his or her life and future. Things that are not commonly accessible to a human being are accessible to the awakened one and this brings much happiness and understanding in one’s life.

End (494).


  1. Replies
    1. Hi and thanks for your comment. Could you be a bit more specific as to what you would like to know the meaning of, so that I can answer your question a little better.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
