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Wednesday 12 August 2015

Is Using the Mind for the Work Bad? – (493)

Mind is Useful Only in its Orbit

The mind can be very useful and helpful in the work, though as soon as it goes out of its orbit it becomes counterproductive.

The thing to watch with the mind is that we don't get trapped or stuck in it. If we use it as an instrument and get good at using this instrument that is fine, as long as we are free from it, that is we know that we are the essence and the Being behind the essence, and the mind is not us it is just an instrument, i.e. something that the essence and the Being can use.

With the mind as long as you live from the essence and the Being and think by virtue of the work, essence, path and the Being and use the mind as an instrument to help you in these endeavours and in life that is ok.


The problem arises when we live from our mind, if we can only do things that our mind plans and programs and we can't surpass the concepts in our mind and we can only move in our thinking and in our feeling and actions according to the concepts, judgements, prejudices, beliefs etc. of our own mind then we are in trouble, our mind then really becomes a jail, just as Master Samael said that it is. So using the mind this way would be very counterproductive. We have to use it to set ourselves free, if we use it to do this we are going ok.

End (493).

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