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Thursday 20 August 2015

After Failing One Must Wait - (501)


When we fail at something, for example the situation when the ego starts in its manifestation and the temptation for it to manifest builds and builds and then we succumb, not doing what the ego wanted the next day after we fail is good but does not have as much value as when it first built up.

We Need to Wait

We need to wait basically for our system to be reset so to speak, that is we need to forget all about the ego and its desires and get to the same state as when we failed the previous time. Then not succumbing to the ego after our physical and psychological system has been reset has the same value as what we could have earnt previously. This is all because the same external and internal circumstances and energies have recurred.

Not succumbing the next is necessary but it is very much easier because we have the pain of eh ego in us in a very intense way that helps us, because we don’t want to feel more pain so it is easy to not succumb.


When we fail we must wait, failing basically takes us backward in time. When we understand this we can have an extra weapon up our sleeve to help us next time. Those who fail and fail regress backward and backwards in time. The greatest failure of all is falling into the abyss where we fail more and more and end involving which is the regress or fall back further in time losing our Human state, then losing the animal state, then losing the plant state then losing this state to become a mineral then losing this state. Really awful hey, we must triumph!

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