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Friday 21 August 2015

For Smooth Human Interactions Appeal to the Divine Mother and the Third Logos - (502)

Difficult Situations

When it gets difficult between ourselves and others and things are rough, you know the situations, those that are very awkward, ill-will in the air, friction, tension, potential for arguments and offence etc. etc. To make such situations go smoothly and amicably we really need a higher power.

Higher Power

To make a situation go smoothly we really need a higher power, something higher than our good egos, holding our tongue, being alert and our self-control. While we may be able to hold back our own egos we can not hold back the egos of others. So to really appease the whole situation, that is to placate the egos in all those present so to make the event or activity or meeting go smoothly we really need a the help of a higher power. For this the best higher power to appeal to is specifically the Divine Mother and the Third Logos.

Why the Best?

I am not sure why, these two parts of our Being are better than the Father or the intimate Christ but they really work. In many occasions I have asked for their help specifically for such situations and the result has been really amazing. It was like a force descended over everyone and placated the egos of everyone, bringing a kind of harmony, a tolerance and good will. And the event went off very smoothly and amicably – really was amazing given the history.

There are some teachings to the effect that we can ask the Divine Mother and the Third Logos to help us to relate correctly with the environment. So it seems that these two parts of the Being are related to human interactions and our environment. They are also intermediaries between us and the Father. So perhaps it is that these parts of the Being can bring the Divine Forces down to us here in the physical world.


Give it a try! I give you my experience that the Divine Mother and the Third Logos really help immensely in this type of situation.

End (502).

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