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Monday 10 August 2015

All the Warriors had a Petty Tyrant – (490)


I first heard this idea of a petty tyrant from an author Victor Sanchez, a disciple of Carlos Castaneda. He said that the warrior has a or many petty tyrants that help me or her to work on themselves. This petty tyrant provokes in a major way the warriors egos. The objective of having a petty tyrant is to get free of the effects that our own egos provoke in us because of the petty tyrant’s impressions.

A petty tyrant can make us angry, sad, depressed or very upset.

All the Warriors had One

All the warriors used someone to work on themselves. It was said that Master Samael would often visit a certain man in order to work on himself. It was said that that man would criticises and insult Master Samael and Gnosis. When Master Samael dissolved the egos that would often get affected he stopped visiting that man.

It has also been written that Carlos Castaneda’s teacher Don Juan would visit a certain man quite often because this man would always make him feel very sad.

Conclusion - Your Petty Tyrant

So do you have a petty tyrant. We may have one, but not realise it. If there is a person that always insults you, makes you sad, depressed or irate then as soon as you decided to triumph over the effects that your egos produce in you because of the impressions (words, gestures, actions) from that person you have a petty tyrant that you can use to get a step or more steps towards your personal inner freedom.

End (490).

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