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Monday 10 August 2015

When is it the Right Moment? – (491)


So many times in life when it comes to decisions, we would like to know when the right moment is to make and act upon those decisions.

The aim of this post is to give some pointers that may be true or helpful for you.

The Right Moment

The right moment may never come, or then again, it may. When the right moment does come, the trick is, that we will know that it is the right moment and we will feel that we are living that moment. Basically you will feel it. If you don’t feel it, then it is not the right moment.

Basically when the moment is right, the obstacles that stopped you before are now either physically not there or either in you a solution has appeared and you now see a way around it or them. Inside of you is the key. You feel the way clear and it is now all very possible. You may feel that you can no longer delay, you may feel that a new road is opening before you, the fear that you felt before is much less and the people that you thought you would hurt or affect, seem to be alright or you feel that they will be alright.


The key is that it is all inside of you. You will know and you will be able to do, when before you couldn’t see or do. You will also feel that it is now time.

End (491).

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