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Tuesday 25 August 2015

Focus Brings Creativity- (503)

Why Concentration is Difficult

The Theosophists say that the substance of eh mental body by its very nature always seeks variety and so our mind being made of the same substance always by its nature seeks variety making it difficult for us to keep the mind on one thing.

This search for variety is actually a good thing, only if we use it in a way that works for us. Just like a knife, it can be very dangerous but used in the kitchen it is very useful. So it depends on how we make this search for variety to work for us. Read on to find out how.

Variety in Focus

Basically the way to do it is to learn to focus or concentrate and then the mind within that focus or concentration will discover new things. That is within focus the mind or the essence will produce creativity as the focus deepens or penetrates and integrates with the object of concentration.


By focussing we enter deeper into what we are focussing on and we then discover the new, because we are coming to see more about what we are concentrating on. What we see is what we didn’t know and can only come to us when we focus and delve with the aid of concentration deeper into the object of concentration.

End (503).

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