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Wednesday 26 August 2015

Imperium Neptuni Regis - (505)


“Imperium Neptuni Regis” translates as “The Empire of King Neptune” or in some cases “The Domain of Lord Neptune”. As above so below, we have within us our seas or spermatic waters which must come under the domain of some power within us. The principle of "as above so below" once again would have us think that as Neptune rules the seas of the Earth we must have an interior Neptune that rules our own waters.

Neptune we must Become

So like Neptune we must become. We must come to rule over or command our interior waters, that is our spermatic waters which is our sexual energy. Neptune is also the Mercury and the agent within us that can instruct us about wisely working with the Mercury.

Conclusion – Hidden Lesson

Our interior Neptune rules over our Mercury and we must come into favour with Him by working wisely with the Mercury and by creating Mercury through the transmutation.

Sometimes we can become fascinated by a particular aspect of the work, even intrigued about it. When we feel this there is a lesson there waiting for us to learn. Basically the lesson is to find what we are intrigued about within us and then become aware to the maximum of our capacity about that aspect.

End (505).

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