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Thursday 27 August 2015

Regent of our Psychological Moon - (506)

Introduction – Psychological Moon

We all know from our study of Gnosis that we can create a psychological Moon. The creation of the psychological Moon is really the first creation of our interior universe or interior Genesis. The psychological Moon is in other words the first work we perform in our self-realization, and our self-realization is the work of the creation of our interior universe. The psychological Moon is the permanent centre of gravity, where we have within us, the tendency to work on ourselves and to see life through the work on ourselves as the dominant tendency. That is within us we are more interested in the work than anything else. All other things come second inside of ourselves in a balanced way. 

Gabriel Regent of the Moon

We also know that Gabriel is the regent of the Moon, our Earth’s satellite, and following the Hermetic axiom “as above so below” we must also have within us a regent of our psychological Moon when we create it.

So our interior Gabriel, a part of our Being is the regent of our psychological Moon. See this excerpt from the Pistis Sophia Unveiled where Master Samael talks about the inner Gabriel.

“GABRIEL, as a Regent of the Moon, is one of the Planetary Genii.

The Intimate GABRIEL is something distinct, is one of the autonomous and conscious parts of our own Being.

The Intimate GABRIEL governs our own psychological Moon.

The psychological Moon also has two faces, the visible and the hidden.

All of our psychological defects, visible to the simple sight, are in the visible part of the psychological Moon.

The secret defects are found in the hidden part of our own psychological Moon.

It is obvious that defects, psychic aggregates and perversities that we do not even remotely suspect exist in the hidden part of our own psychological Moon.

MICHAEL in the Sun is an ineffable Archangel, but the MICHAEL within ourselves is different. Michael is an independent and conscious part of our own Being.

Our readers must not forget the forty-nine fires.

The forty-nine fires are, obviously, the forty-nine independent and conscious parts of our own Being.
MICHAEL and GABRIEL, which means, the SUN and the MOON, the SULPHUR and the MERCURY, serve the Alchemist in order to perform the Great Work.”


In conclusion this post was just to make us aware that we have a Moon within us and there is a part of our Being, our inner Gabriel that comes to take up his function of regent of the psychological Moon within one we create it for Him.

End (506).

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