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Tuesday 4 August 2015

Mercury - (479)


One of the most important elements of Alchemy is Mercury. The Alchemists always spoke of it. Most of the time they spoke of it in a way that seemed as if they were speaking of the metal mercury, being a liquid and being volatile in nature. However at times they spoke about it in such a way that it had nothing to do with mercury the metal.

The mercury has also been called “Quintessence of the Philosophers, “Aqua Vitae” and the “Water of Paradise”.

Anyway Mercury is the most important and fundamental element of Alchemy. The following excerpts clearly tell us what the Mercury of Alchemy is and how one works with it in one’s own Alchemical processes.

Excerpt 1 – Mercury

“Firstly, let us know that Mercury is nothing more than the metallic soul of the sperm. (In Alchemy, sperm is the sexual fluid in both males and females).

However, in Alchemy, the physical sperm is brute Mercury.

It is stated that when this sperm or brute Mercury is transmuted, then we can elaborate Mercury, which is the metallic soul of the sperm.

Consequently, there are three types of Mercury.

Firstly, there is brute Mercury, which means the Hexiohehary, or sacred sperm.

Second, there is the metallic soul of the sperm, which is the result of the transmutation of the sexual libido (the sperm). Therefore, this metallic soul is creative energy that ascends through the ganglionic spinal cords to the brain.

The third Mercury is the most elevated. It is the Mercury that has been fertilized by Sulphur. In Alchemy, Sulphur is the Sacred Fire.”

Excerpt from the lecture: “The Arche”, by V.M Samael Aun Weor.

Excerpt 2 – Mercury

The Mercury fecundated by Sulphur is the third Mercury. This Mercury is the most refined and the most important. Why is this third Mercury so important?  It is such because it is what we call the Arche...the Greek Arche...the famous Arche.

The existential bodies of the Being emerge from this third Mercury, which is the Arche.

Excerpt from the lecture: “The Arche”, by V.M Samael Aun Weor.

Excerpt 3 – Mercury

“1. Arnald of Villanova, Albert the Great, Raymond Lully and many other Alchemists, give the designation of Mercury to the sperm or semen.

2. There is only one matter that serves as a foundation for the Great Work of the Father.

3. This crude matter of the Great Work is the sperm, which is designated as Mercury by the Alchemists.

4. Mercury is the sperm of all metals.

5. Arnold of Villanova states that Mercury engenders the diverse metals in the bosom of the Earth, according to the degree of sulphuration.

6. Therefore, Mercury revests the diverse metallic forms in accordance to the degree of baking.

7.  In reality, each thing can be disarranged within its own elements.

8. With the help of heat, we can disarrange ice into water, because water is the element of  ice.

9. Therefore, all the metals of the Earth can be disarranged into Mercury, because Mercury is the crude matter of all the metals.

10. Mercury is the spermatic semen in which all the metals can be disarranged, because this is the element from which all things emerge.

11. The human being can be disarranged in the semen, because this is the element that he departed from.  Each thing can be disarranged in its own elements from which it is composed.”

Excerpt from the book: “A Treatise of Alchemy”, chapter 19 by V.M Samael Aun Weor.

Excerpt 4 – Mercury

“15. Mercury is a spiritual liquor, aerial and rare.

16. Mercury is the flying eagle of Philosophy.

17. Mercury is our Chaos.

18. Mercury is our semen.

19. Salt is found in the urine and in the sweat.

20. Sulphur is abundantly present in the body’s grease and in the arm pit.

21. Mercury is within the blood, medulla, aqueous humor, bone, muscle, etc.”

Excerpt from the book: “A Treatise of Alchemy”, chapter 20 by V.M Samael Aun Weor.


In summary, we have the mercury of alchemy with us right here and now, it is in our sexual energy, that is in our seminal entity, however only in its initial or very rough, unrefined form. When we transmute that sexual energy or seminal entity we create the transmuted mercury which is what the Alchemist spoke so much about. This transmuted mercury is the foundation of all Alchemical work, and is the real mercury.

On an Alchemical or philosophical level, of the three primary elements: mercury, sulphur and salt, mercury was considered to be an intermediary between matter and the spirit (even the physical element of Mercury is a liquid meaning it is the middle state between a solid and a vapour), while sulphur was considered to be the spirit and salt to be the earth or the base element.

End (479).

1 comment:

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