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Monday 3 August 2015

The Language of Alchemy - (478)


If anyone has had tried to read some of the medieval Alchemical texts such as the works by Basil Valentine, Paracelsus, Nicholas Flamel, Raymund Lully, Fulcanelli, even the famous book made from lead plates called Mutus Liber (Mute Book) one honestly gets the impression that what is being said is going is not being understood.

The symbols and texts seem almost so very unusual and strange, it is as if they were speaking another language, it is as if the names they are using are not what we commonly associate with those names. For example, Mercury in Alchemy is not the Mercury that we are used to thinking of, that is the liquid metal and the planet.

One comes to the conclusion that the modus operandi of Alchemy was expressed in a special language, a language that veiled the very clear specifics of what they were talking about. Certainly this was done on purpose to some extent, but more importantly because Alchemy is a process that is for the consciousness and the spirit of the human being, so it is the consciousness and the spirit of the human being, not the mind that can interpret and understand the language, terminology and symbols of Alchemy

The following excerpts explain how the language of Alchemy is understood and how some of the great Alchemist texts are to be understood, especially the book of Genesis and the book of the Apocalypse (Revelation).

Excerpt 1 – The Language of Alchemy

In order to comprehend the Mysteries of the Great Work it is necessary to receive the Donum Dei, which means the power of God.

If one has not received the power of God in order to penetrate into the Science of the Great Work, then, regardless if one studies it, one does not understand it. This is because such a science does not reach the intellect. It reaches the consciousness.

The whole Science of the Great Work penetrates the consciousness. It belongs to the functions of the consciousness. Behold then by yourselves how we can speak about the whole Great Work in Alchemy.”

Excerpt from the lecture: “The Arche”, by V.M Samael Aun Weor.

Excerpt 2 – The Language of Alchemy

 “The books of Genesis and Apocalypse are texts of Alchemy. The book of Genesis has to be lived in this precise moment while performing our intimate work. The same must occur with the Apocalypse.

The Apocalypse (Revelation) is a book of Alchemy.

Has the Apocalypse (Revelation) been adulterated in the various translations?

No, this book is the only one that has not been changed, for no one has entered into its wisdom.  No one understands it, no one enters into it, it has been saved from disgrace.

However, the whole of the Great Work is written in the Apocalypse. It is the Book of Wisdom, the book in which is found the laws of Nature.

Nevertheless, each one of us has our own interior Apocalypse.

The Apocalypse of Peter exists, the one of John exists, as does the one of Paul. The Apocalypse also exists within each one of ourselves.

Each one of us has our own Apocalypse and there are two ways of living it.

We live it within ourselves, performing the Great Work, or we live it with Nature, with humanity in general.”

Excerpt from the lecture: “The Arche”, by V.M Samael Aun Weor.


The Donum Dei is what we need to understand the texts and symbols of the Alchemy. However with the Gnostic teachings, which is where Master Samael has unveiled much of the Alchemy, the Alchemical texts and symbols open up somewhat. However, by living out our very own Alchemical processes we can come to understand in a deeper and more intimate way the language and symbols of the great Alchemists.

End (478).

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