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Tuesday 4 August 2015

Salt – (481)


The Alchemists also wrote and spoke much about the Salt. The salt as previous posts have alluded to, is a fundamental part of the Alchemical work.

The following excerpts tell us what the salt is and what it does in our Alchemical processes.

Excerpt 1 – Salt

The Mercury fertilized by Sulphur is the third Mercury. This Mercury is the most refined and the most important. Why is this third Mercury so important?  It is such because it is what we call the Arche...the Greek Arche...the famous Arche.

The existential bodies of the Being emerge from this third Mercury, which is the Arche.

We also find the Arche in the Macrocosm, as the Macrocosmic Arche.

This Macrocosmic Arche is the nebula from which the worlds emerge.  What is a nebula?  It is the Macrocosmic Arche. It is a mixture of Salt, Sulphur and Mercury. 

Salt is the Spirit. Salt is contained within the sacred sperm and it is sublimated with transmutation.  Therefore, there is also Salt, Sulphur, and Mercury within the Microcosmic Arche.

What is Salt?

Salt is contained within the sexual secretions. However, this Salt needs to be sublimated. Therefore, when transmutation is performed, this Salt is also transmuted. 

Salt, Sulphur and Mercury exist within the Microcosmic Arche, from which the existential superior bodies of the Being emerge.

Salt, Sulphur and Mercury also exist within the Macrocosmic Arche. The cosmic units, the worlds, emerge from this Arche, from this nebula, which is the Macrocosmic Arche.

As above, so below. Above, the nebula is needed in order for the worlds to emerge, and in order for this to happen crude matter is needed. The crude matter is the Arche, a mixture of Salt, Sulphur and Mercury.

Here below, within the Microcosm (the human being), it is also necessary to elaborate the nebula with Salt, Sulphur and Mercury. Thus, the existential superior bodies of the Being emerge below, just as the worlds emerge above.

We must make here in small, within the Microcosm (human being), what the Great Architect of the universe made in large in the Macrocosm, because as above, so below. This is how the existential superior bodies of the Being come to emerge.

Hence, it is necessary to create the Arche in ourselves, within ourselves. The Arche is Salt, plus Sulphur and Mercury. As above, so below.”

Excerpt from the document: “The Arche”, by V.M Samael Aun Weor.

Excerpt 2 – Salt

“1.  Salt is the substance of all things, and the fixed principle of all that exists.

2. Salt works upon the Sulphur and the Mercury. Thus, Sulphur and Mercury make the Salt volatile, just as they are.

3. Salt thickens them and makes them fixed in return.

4. When Salt is dissolved in an appropriate liquor, then it dissolves solid things and gives them consistency.

5. Salt gives a form of perfection to the Child of Gold of Sexual Alchemy.

6. Salt dissolves our metals in order to elaborate the Child of Gold of Sexual Alchemy with them.

7. The volatile Salt prepares the larynx in order to speak the Verb of Gold.

8. Salt dissolves and thickens all things.

9. The Earth has the nature of Salt. This is why it is dissolved in water and thickened in water.

10. The continents emerge from the salty waters of the sea and then return to the sea.”

Excerpt from the book: “A Treatise of Alchemy”, chapter 20 by V.M Samael Aun Weor.

Excerpt 3 – Salt

“19. Salt is found in urine and in sweat.”

Excerpt from the book: “A Treatise of Alchemy”, chapter 20 by V.M Samael Aun Weor.

Excerpt 4 – Salt


1. There are two types of Salt: One is masculine and the other feminine.

2. The male Salt damages the human organism when it is excessively used.

3. The female Salt is beneficial and healthy.

4. The male Salt is sea Salt.

5. The female Salt is rock Salt; it is the Salt from the Salt mines.

6. The Alchemist must prefer the female Salt.

7. Twelve fundamental Salts exist which are governed by the twelve zodiacal signs.

8. Illness appears when these twelve zodiacal Salts are not well balanced within our human organism.

9. To synthesize, these twelve zodiacal Salts give a form of perfection to the twelve bodies that the inhabitants of the Mist of Fire use.

10. The twelve zodiacal Salts convert the human being into a splendorous zodiac.

11. Everything that has a dense or subtle form is due to Salt.

12. No form can exist without Salt.

13. However, we must appreciate Salt in its subliminal quintessence, which is imperceptible by the microscope, yet perfectly visible to the clairvoyant.

14. A profound study of the zodiacal Salts will take us very far into the therapeutic field.

15. These twelve Salts are:

16. Iron Phosphate
      Phosphoric Magnesium
      Phosphoric Calcium 
      Phosphoric Nitron 
      Phosphoric Potassium 
      Sodium Chloride
      Sodium Carbonate
      Potassium Chloride 
      Sodium Sulphate
      Sulphuric Calcium
      Calcium Fluoride

Excerpt from the book: “A Treatise of Alchemy”, chapter 21 by V.M Samael Aun Weor.


In summary, the salt is something of a substance, a physical substance, something that is in our body, in our sexual secretions, in our sweat and in our urine. Salt is needed to create with the mercury and the sulphur, because three elements are needed to create. The excerpts in this article refer to the salt as being something definitely very physical and something that also must be transmuted.

Salt as alluded to in this article’s excerpts is something that gives things form, it is an agent that crystallises and thickens. It is also an agent that dissolves. When salt works or is combined with Sulphur and Mercury it gives the Mercury and the Sulphur which do not have form by themselves, a form. So salt crystallises the Mercury and the Sulphur into the bodies and also dissolves elements in us to be reformed anew into something more precious.

In summary then, salt is the third element of the Alchemical trinity of elements: mercury, sulphur and salt. It is in our body and is an agent of crystallising or fixing.

End (481).

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