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Tuesday 4 August 2015

Hermetic Glass and Alchemical Furnace – (482)


The Hermetic vase or glass is mentioned very frequently in all Alchemical texts and appears in many Alchemical drawings, images and art.

Being very clear as Master Samael is in his teachings, the Hermetic glass of Alchemy is none other than both our Alchemical partner (spouse) and the container of our sexual energy, which is our own sexual apparatus (organs).

The whole key of Alchemy revolves around not ever spilling or breaking the Hermetic glass, means to not allow the Mercury to escape which is to not lose (ejaculate) the sexual energy (seminal entity).
Within the Hermetic glass takes place all the Alchemical crystallisations and disinflations, so breaking or tipping over the glass is to ruin all of these crystallisations. The following excerpt is very clear in telling the reader what the Alchemical furnace and receptacle (Hermetic glass) really are.

Excerpt 1 – Hermetic Glass


1.             In Light of Lights, Aristotle states: “the Mercury must be baked in a triple receptacle of very hard glass.”

2.             The receptacle must be round with a very small neck.

3.             This receptacle is the virile member. The semen is within our sexual organs. It is the crude matter of the Great work.

4.             The receptacle must be hermetically sealed with one cover, which means, it is necessary to cover our sexual organs very well, in order to avoid the spilling of the crude matter of the Great Work.

5.             Our glass must be placed in another vessel, hermetically sealed as the first, in such a form that the heat acts upon the crude matter of the Great Work from above, below, and from all sides.

6.             This is the formula:  Introduce the virile member into the female vagina without ejaculating the semen (without reaching the orgasm).

7.             Thus, the phallus, which is the receptacle that contains the crude matter of the Great Work, remains surrounded by the walls of the vagina and is submitted to heat, equal on every side.
8.             Our disciples will now comprehend why Aristotle states in Light of Lights that, “the Mercury must be baked in a triple receptacle of very hard glass.”

9.             Nature bakes the metals in the mines with the help of the fire, however, it needs receptacles that are adequate for baking.

10.          It is noticeable that heat is always constant within the mines. The mountains filled with mines are completely closed in order for the heat not to escape, because without fire the metals of the Earth cannot be elaborated.

11.          We must do the same with the phallus and the uterus. Both man and woman must withdraw without spilling even a single drop of semen.

12.          In the beginning, “Let your fire be tranquil and gentle, let it be kept as this every day, always uniform, without being weak; otherwise, it will cause great damage.”

13.          However, brethren, you can intensify the fire, little by little.

14.          In the beginning, the practices of Sexual Magic must be short, but later you can prolong them little by little, making them more intense each time, in order to intensify the fire.

15.          Knead seven times, brother of mine.

16.          There are seven serpents that you most raise upon the reed, until the King appears, crowned with the red diadem.

17.          The work is analogous to the creation of the human being because, “Nature contains nature. Nature is delighted with nature. Nature dominates nature and it transforms into other natures.”

18.          The furnace of our laboratory is the virile member and the vulva, sexually connected.”

Excerpt from the book: “A Treatise of Alchemy”, chapter 4 by V.M Samael Aun Weor.


In summary, the Hermetic glass is our sexual apparatus and with the sexual connection between man and woman, that produces heat, the Hermetic glass or receptacle is placed inside a furnace. For the Alchemical processes both are needed, that is a receptacle and a furnace.

The result of the receptacle being in a furnace is the transmutation. The transmutation is the goal of Alchemy, with transmutation the raw mercury is converted into energy or the second type of Mercury where it can be later fecundated with the spirit of life the sulphur to become the precious metals or distillations of Alchemy.

End (482).


  1. Hi there,

    Could you tell me what does the red diadem in the following paragraph represent? 16. There are seven serpents that you most raise upon the reed, until the King appears, crowned with the red diadem. - I've been trying to solve this mystery for a while and what I came up with is following: It could represents the raised fire (red) of kundalini or red Christ of Aquarius (Fifth of the seven). Red colour relating to the colour of blood that circulates in our body (Logos Samael) and also related to the colour of his planet Mars. I really don't know that's why I'm wondering whether you could shed some light on this matter.

    thank you

  2. Hi There,

    Thanks for your question. As far as I know the red diadem is one's intimate Christ, who takes on the red colour because He is fulfilling the task within us of redeeming us by assuming all of our defects and helping us to dissolve them and pay the karmic debts associated with them. Master Samael says that the red Christ is the revolutionary Christ that chooses the direct way and remains here in creation so to fight for the liberation and realisation of other essences or Monads rather. So the King is Atman or Chesed or our Spirit and the red diadem is the red Christ meaning that Atman is going for His complete realisation or the final liberation.

    Thanks again

  3. Quick question after 1wk of practice & the semen is spill not because of excitement but when the penis is withdrawn can you explain what happens there. Aspirant feeling betrayed

    1. Hi there, you will have to be much more aware of what is going on when you practice. Practice ultra carefully with extreme care and vigilance. Transmute by yourself for fifteen minutes before you practice and then transmute as soon as you practice. Concentrate only on transmutation. The energy obeys your will and imagination.

  4. I've been reading Gnostic material for years on and off, much of it has made a great deal of sense, other parts I'm having a hard time with. What is it that one is trying to achieve exactly by having sex, yet not allowing the emission of sperm?

  5. Been working alone for a while now and, feeling much in the body. Seen spirits in the sky since 2006 which revealed certain historical mysteries but in the last few months since beginning with Gnosis, it is as if Truth is a perpetually blossoming flower. I am having a time with losing focus and getting angry at my surroundings or angry that no matter what the anger keep coming there a way to knos if youre going in circles when the only thing I find with gnostics is they seem to only care about what they can tell you and not what we can actually begin... I understand we have to do THE WORK alone, I dont know if that means we have to BE alone and not confer and talk and live in the real world...
