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Wednesday 5 August 2015

The Four Colours of Alchemy – (483)


There are four famous colour so Alchemy. They have at time been represented by animals. The four colours are: black, white, yellow and red.

Sometimes a crow or raven has symbolised black, a dove the white colour, an eagle the yellow colour and the pheasant the red colour.

These colours are no other than the board stages of refining our sexuality and the state of our sexual waters or sexual energy in the practice of Alchemy. We all begin with the black colour that is with our sexual waters in a very rough and unrefined condition.

Excerpt 1 – Colours of Alchemy

“What are the white and red colours that often appear in the text of Alchemy?

These are the colours which the Mercury displays when one is purifying the bodies in the crucible.  What crucible are we referring to?  The sexual crucible, of course.

In the beginning, this crucible emits a black colour, then later, a white colour. Subsequently, the yellow colour is emitted, until finally reaching the red colour.

This is the symbolism of the three Wise Kings: One white, one black and the other yellow. However, the red is missing. The red is missing because the Kings can only elevate themselves through the red colour.

The star that guides them is precisely Stella Maris. She guides them in the work. She is the one who performs the whole work.”

Excerpt from the lecture: “The Arche”, by V.M Samael Aun Weor.


The black colour is the colour of unrefined, rough sexuality without transmutation. With some years of work in transmutation and Alchemy our sexual energy or waters becomes refined and takes on the white colour. This is a stage of more understanding, knowledge and responsibility. After some more years of work the white turns to yellow, where our waters are sufficiently refined for our Divine Mother to introduce some of her fiery power, to produce the awakening of the Kundalini, thus making our waters red.

When we have the Kundalini awakened we have our waters coloured red.

End (483).

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