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Monday 14 September 2015

Elementals of Nature - (527)

Spiritual Parts of Nature

The elementals of nature make up a large part of the spiritual side of Nature, they are the spiritual parts that animate physical nature. Every thing that lives or has life has an elemental that or an essence that gives it its life. Even the elements such as fire, water, air and earth that don't seem to have any life, actually do have life and therefore have their spiritual parts which give them the life that they have.  

Essence is an Elemental

An elemental is basically an essence, which is the part of a Divine Monad (a spark of the Universal Fire of Life) that descends into creation. The Monad is a drop of the Infinite Ocean of the Spirit of Life or a spark of the great Fire of Life. The Monad enters into creation through its essence which is a detachment from that virginal spark which is the Monad.

Monads in Creation their Mission

The Monads are sent into creation to learn about creation and therefore themselves as creation is a reflection of God. They also come into creation to do in miniature (inside themselves) what the creator has done for all of us in making creation possible.

Monads Enter Creation from Below

From the Gnostic teachings we understand that creation is really to provide a house and a learning department all the essences of the cosmos that leave the Absolute and enter creation. The learning that the essences go through is the learning acquired through their evolution from the lowest kingdom of the mineral to the highest kingdom of human beings.

The way in which the Monads enter into creation is through their essence. The first place in physical creation that they occupy is the lowest of the four kingdoms, the mineral kingdom. The essences then evolve through the kingdoms under the guidance of many Guru Devas, with the aim of being prepared to enter the human kingdom. So within us we have the wisdom of the four kingdoms of nature, because we have all passed through this evolution to be here as human beings.

What we really we have in creation are essences or elementals, even in the human kingdom. Human beings are really elementals, that is human elementals or essences. However, the essences or elementals in human form have the best opportunity, which is the opportunity to realise themselves and transform themselves from essence or elemental into soul (real human being) and then into Spirit-Man (Atman). The elementals in the animal, plant or mineral forms do not unfortunately have the chance to realise themselves, this is only possible in a body of a human being which has three brains, which are the three forces, which allow the human being to create, that is to create his or her own interior universe, which is the realisation of his or her Monad.


The elementals in the elements of nature, that is the water, the fire, the air and the earth are essences of monads that give life, force and intelligence to the elements. These elementals are known as the classical undines, salamanders, sylphs and gnomes. Those elementals will later become human beings in their process of evolution. 

End (527).

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