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Monday 14 September 2015

Rest in Reality - (528)


From time to time we can experience and learn something new. That something new could be so many things, maybe one of those things is to rest or relax in reality, trusting and relaxing in what is really real. From this lesson a new kind of trust emerges in us, a trust in reality rather than a trust in the reality projected by the mind or the supposed reality thought up by my mind.

Look for at Reality

This new state looks or focusses more on reality, and more on the facts, rather than the mind's view on facts which we mistake as reality. This produces a certain relaxation and relief, why? Because, it always turns out that reality is kinder, more generous and more abundant than our thoughts.

In Relationships

This is so helpful when it comes to relationships. Because we usually always only see in our relations with people our own projections and stories. If we see reality and base our feelings in reality - that is in the actual real facts, rather than our beliefs, concepts or stories, things can certainly be very different for us. We find kindness, love and the things that we thought were absent are really actually there after all.


When you are nervous just look for the reality, focus on reality, focus more on what the reality means and focus less on what our mind projects as reality. Relax as well because reality is kinder and better. Hope this post has been useful.

End (528).

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