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Monday 7 September 2015

Eliminating Nocturnal Pollutions Exercise 2 - (514)


This exercise comes from a Taoist book written by Mantak Chia. It has been adapted textually by me to make it more general.

Power Lock Exercise


Adopt a sitting position, feet flat on the floor. Centre your attention on your sexual organs and the energy there. You can also do this exercise standing.


Inhale deeply through your nose. Simultaneously clench both fists, claw your feet down, make them feel like vacuum pumps sucking at the floor. At the same time clench your jaw, tighten the cranial pump at the back of your neck and press your tongue firmly to the roof of your mouth. Inhale once more and draw up the entire genital-anus region, concentrating on the Hui-Yin (perineum), urogenital diaphragm, and especially the sexual organs. Pull the energy from the sexual organs to the perineum by squeezing as tightly as possible. Holding your breath, slowly count to 9 with all muscles fully flexed. When you are out of breath, exhale and release all muscles in the body. You may feel energy rush up and down, especially in the sexual centre.

After exercising for a week or two, you may actually begin to feel the muscle contraction pull your sexual organs up and in. The anus will feel like it's closed super-tight. Unless indicated otherwise, all breathing is to be done through the nose. Nasal breathing affords better control of the air inhaled. It filters and warms the air and supplies life-force of well balanced quality. The whole body must relax on the exhale. Allow all tension to flow out of you as if you were in meditation.

Inhale, clench, and pull up repeatedly on your sexual region, holding the energy at the perineum. The retention at the perineum is very important. If you release your attention the hot energy will drop down to the sexual organs. If you release the energy it will drop down and you'll have to start again.
Do this for at least one week. To feel the affects.


If one does this exercise many times especially before going to sleep, the body becomes instinctively trained to channel the energy. This exercise also transmutes the energy and so the supply of raw sexual energy has been transformed and is no longer there to be lost in a nocturnal pollution or used in any lustful processes while day dreaming in the second state of consciousness.

End (514).

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