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Monday 7 September 2015

Levels of Technical Transmutation Practice - (515)


There are degrees and degrees to everything, the act of one’s own transmutation is no exception to this. Here below is a description of some of the levels in one’s technical ability to transmute the sexual energy.

These levels have been taken from a Taoist book written by Mantak Chaiis exercise comes from a Taoist book written by Mantak Chia. Once the following text has been adapted textually by me to make it more general.

The Four Levels

1. Beginner:

Use muscles of the fist, jaw, neck, feet, perineum, buttocks, and abdomen to divert sexual tension and block the urge to lose the sexual energy, and push upward the sexual energy which created the aroused state.

2. Intermediate stage:

Less muscle use of the fist, jaw, feet, and increased reliance on the pelvic diaphragm, and sphincter, sacral, and cranial pump to help move up the sexual energy.

3. Advanced Stage:

Less use of muscle in the perineum and more use of sacral and cranial pumps. Greater power of mind to move the sexual energy to the crown centre. By concentrating power at the upper part of the crown you draw the energy from the lower centre to the higher centre.

4. Most advanced Stage:

Pure mind control only, no need to use the muscle, just use the mind power to command the sexual organs, and command the sexual energy to move up and down, to be arouse or relax the sexual organs, at will.


We have to I think strive to get the mental capacity to transmute. The next step is sublimation.

End (515).

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