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Friday 4 September 2015

Justice of the Being - (511)


The words “The Justice of the Being” sounds quite ominous and almost provokes within us a kind of fear where we feel deep down a little threatened, because in those deep recesses of our mind we remember our faults, and short comings and because of that feel that the justice of the Being will fall upon us. Well we can feel that but I think “The Justice of the Being” means something different.


I think that it means that when we cooperate with the Being in the death of the Ego we serve our Being helping him to exercise justice in his Universe of which our and His psychological country is part of. When we work on the ego we actually help the Being in us take back control and we make space in us for Him to move his currents through us, connecting even for a very brief moment him to our essence, where we can receive the clarity, joy, wisdom and strength of our Being.

When the there is more and more space in us for our Being, our Being through us has exercised His Justice within Himself or within His Universe and once again order is restored to Him, that is Justice has been done where He regains His throne that had been lost. The Being in us the rightful King of our physical body, life and our psychological and interior processes.


We just have to keep working on the death of the “I’s” within us. This is something that we all know pretty well, but maybe we have to intensify that work to help our Being exercise His Justice, returning to Him what is rightfully His since before the beginning of time.

End (511).

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