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Thursday 3 September 2015

Mercury and Sulphur - (510)


To be very honest with you I have been confused in all the senses (especially intellectually) for many years about what really the sulphur and the Mercury are. I understood that there were three types of Mercury: the raw mercury, mercury and the mercury fecundated by the Fire (Kundalini). I could understand that the raw Mercury is the seminal entity and Mercury is the result of transmuting the raw Mercury, though I never knew what the third type of Mercury is and I was even more puzzled about what sulphur really is.

This post is an attempt to explain my new found clarity on the subject of the Mercury and the Sulphur.

Excerpt from “The Mutus Liber” Speaks by Oscar Uzcategui

“In this second plate we find the beautiful representation of the titanic elements of the alchemical Art. Since antiquity, they have been represented in diverse ways: sometimes as mythological Gods Apollo and Diana , other times, as sacred animals  the eagle and the serpent  and some other times as planets  the Sun and the Moon.

These two elements have been the artifices of the macrocosm and the microcosm. From the Master, Samael Aun Weor, we have heard many times that the universes themselves are the product of the sacred copulation carried out by the Third Logos  the Holy Spirit  with the Second Logos the Cosmic Womb , by order of the First Logos.

But, what elements are we talking about? Undoubtedly, of the elements that are in the very depth of all creation. They are the secret sulphur of the sages and the ineffable and immaculate mercury.
Sulphur is the sidereal fire of the authentic Rosicrucians of the Temple of Kumenes, the mercury we find summarized in the spermatic waters that nature has deposited in our sexual glands.

As it is above so is it below, and the macrocosmic nature has also been the product of the union of the sidereal fire with the angelic spermatic water. Nothing has existed and nothing will exist without the help of these two primordial elements.

In our human nature, said fire is the pentecostal fire, named Kundalini or serpent of fire by the Hindus. This fire comes to the alchemist when his secret water has been worked through the sacrament of baptism sexual magic well comprehended.”

Commentary on Excerpt

From this excerpt we can gleam that the Sulphur is two things, it is at its highest level the sacred fire or the Kundalini, which is the fiery power of the Divine Mother. This sulphur we have dormant in us and needs to be awakened and developed. However, we do have here and now within us a type of sulphur which is the sexual fire, or in other more common words, the sexual drive or libido etc. So everyone has some of that, unfortunately what we have more of is the arsenified sulphur which is that sexual fire or sexual drive polarised in and through lust, that is it only works through the mind, through its conditionings and concepts based on sensations and the senses. The arsenified or conditioned fire in us only works when the concepts of our mind are pleased and these concepts are based on sensations, we can not activate that fire using the heart but using the mind with the fantasy of sensations etc.

Also finally it makes sense that of the Sun and the Moon, the Sun and the Moon represent the Sulphur and the Mercury respectively in the macro cosmos, that is the world outside of us and as these principles create we need those same principles inside of ourselves to create, and inside of ourselves they are the sexual fire and the spermatic waters.

Another Excerpt from “The Mutus Liber Speaks”

“Next, we see the philosophical egg in which the entire Great Work is gestated. Since ancient times, the egg is a sacred symbol. The Egyptian God Ra is born from an egg and we also see Krishna  the Hindu Christ  with his wife Rada within an egg. Hindu philosophy tells us that the universe has emerged from an immense cosmic egg. The egg is the very womb of Maha Kundalini, where the stars, worlds, Gods, men and beasts gestate. All this has great significance,

It is in the egg of transcendental sexuality that the true celestial man in each of us is gestated There, within that hermetic egg, the erotic fire and the seminal mercury are wisely united, thanks to a neutral element constituted by the nitrous salt that exists in our sexual hormonal secretions.

All this is possible thanks to the metaphysical copulation that Gnosis teaches us through the statements made by Master Samael. The erotic fire, united in the act of transmutation, converts the mercury into a vaporous water that rises through the vertebrae or chambers of our vertebral column thanks to a secret channel that traverses them. In India, said channel is denominated Sushumna.

It has been said many times that light surges from darkness, the chaos. This needs to be understood on the microcosmic or human level. We should understand that from the darkness of love devoid of lower passions we take out the Christic light to illuminate our interior world. Light is found, precisely, hidden in our sexual organs. The latter, at the same time, is ready in a discreet manner in the organic machine of the human being. There, at those profundities, one must descend to extract the Light of the Sages.”


Our sexual waters are our chaos and from there we can extract the light. Using our sexual fire we can operate on our waters and cause the waters to simmer and release a vapour which is as Master Samael says is the metallic soul of the raw mercury. Our sexual fire seeks the fire or energy latent in our waters and joins with it causing it to rise up our spinal column into our brain and heart.


In conclusion on this topic of the Sulphur and the Mercury we can conclude using these three points.

What we Actually Have

We have the raw mercury and the sexual fire or sex drive or libido which is a kind of fire that later needs to turn into the sacred fire of the Divine Mother Kundalini.

We Have Sulphur and We Don’t

However, a part of that sexual fire that we have is conditioned in lust and a smaller part is free. The Alchemist controls the conditioned fire and uses the free fire to create Mercury and later frees more and more fire that joins with the real Sulphur if the Alchemist has it awakened.

We Have Mercury and We Don’t

We have the raw mercury, the raw sexual energy or the seminal entity, though we need to voluntarily fabricate the mercury which is the transmuted raw sexual energy. We also do not have the mercury which has been fecundated by the real sulphur which creates things such as the solar bodies. Only really this combination of the transmuted raw sexual energy and the Sulphur creates. This third type of Mercury is what crystallises into our inner worlds as new creations and crystallisations.

End (510).

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