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Wednesday 30 September 2015

Symptoms of a Fallen Bodhisattva - (540)


We have all heard of the case of the fallen bodhisattva. We have probably hoped that we are one. It is possible to find out and this is what this post is all about.

Ways to Find Out

There are really two parts to finding out that we are a fallen bodhisattva.

First Part

The first part is where we are told either physically or internally or learn by some kind of revelation that we are a fallen bodhisattva. At this point we can accept that we are or we can forget about it. However, there is still the another part in finding out, which in many ways is really about confirming what was discovered here in the first part.

Second Part

The second part of finding out is to confirm or verify here in the psychological and physical realms, what has come to light in the first part. The end result is knowing that we are a fallen bodhisattva in all three realities, that is the esoteric, the psychological and physical. Knowing this is all three realities is complete knowledge and full awareness of this aspect of ourselves.

Characteristics and Criteria in the Three Realities

This post will address the characteristics and criteria that one can reference oneself against to get an idea of where one stands in relation to that of being a fallen bodhisattva.

Esoteric Reality Characteristics and Criteria

Here below are some of the characteristics and criteria of a fallen bodhisattva in the esoteric side of things.

Solar Bodies

The fallen bodhisattva possesses at least the astral, mental and causal bodies. A fallen bodhisattva could also possess the Buddhic and Atmic bodies and even the four Kayas, as Master Samael did. A Bodhisattva of this category, that is one who possesses the Kayas is called a Dyhanni Bodhisattva. Which is also someone who attained the status of Galactic Man.

So if you are told or you know that you have the bodies then obviously you are a fallen bodhisattva. But it is still however good to read on and verify more of the characteristics of a fallen bodhisattva to become more aware of the condition of the fallen bodhisattva.


The fallen bodhisattva has more karma usually than the ordinary person. Especially the kind of karma called Katancy. Even the Being has karma because He in some way fell too. A part of him fell, and He is no longer compete in the light.

The fallen bodhisattva falls into incurring three types of karma: karma for killing the interior Buddha, karma for betraying the white lodge and karma for minor crimes that a fallen bodhisattva once fallen or in the process of falling commits.

This could mean that a fallen bodhisattva suffers a lot, meaning there is a lot of suffering in the life of a fallen bodhisattwa. 

They feel a special spiritual kind of suffering because the yearning to reach the Being once again is strong, yet because of karma there are many obstacles and delays and more delays that have to be paid before the fallen bodhisattva can conquer once again was lost.

Some Powers or Remembrance of Powers

A fallen bodhisattva usually has some kind of powers. A freshly fallen one will have up to Master Samael says two thirds of his or her powers intact. Though the common fallen bodhisattva has most of his or her powers completely dashed over time. Though mind you, even if a fallen bodhisattva has no powers that they know of, the fallen bodhisattva will still have something, which could be: a good bit of intuition, some clairvoyance, astral travel ability, ability to meditate naturally, a great familiarity with esotericism, flashes of remembrance of past lives or very old esoteric knowledge, a special kind of deep understanding regarding life, people and spirituality, instinctive knowing about white and black, a tendency to towards magic, a strong will power, an ardent love to help/serve humanity, even true/actual esoteric knowledge, magnetism and charisma etc., ability to control or at least influence circumstances etc.

Mixture of the Two Forces

A fallen bodhisattva has tremendous fights within, because within his or her constitution are the two forces, one black is of the ego and one white, which is of the soul and the bodies and the Being.

The fallen bodhisattva is really divided, there are the two forces pulling at him or her. That is why the fallen bodhisattva can at times do wonderful things then at other times do terrible things, all because of there being the two forces within, and both forces being equally as strong. Basically a fallen bodhisattva is a Hanasmussen that has a double centre of gravity.

Golden Embryo

The fallen bodhisattva has the golden embryo, which was created in past lives. The fallen bodhisattva has the golden embryo rather than just plain old essence. However, the golden embryo is scattered amongst the different egos. Principally the golden embryo is inside the P.P.P (Principal Psychological Profile) of the fallen bodhisattva.

Has to Die More than Anything Else

The main thing that a fallen bodhisattva logically has to do is to die or work psychologically on him or herself. Especially on the P.P.P because that is where the golden embryo is. Freeing the golden embryo will help the fallen bodhisattva immensely because a great quantity of consciousness will return to the fallen bodhisattva and that will help him/her to understand the other egos and isolate the other egos helping the fallen bodhisattva to awaken further.

Psychological Reality Characteristics and Criteria

Here below are some of the characteristics and criteria of a fallen bodhisattva in the psychological side of things.

Mixture of the Two Forces

As mentioned before, the fallen bodhisattva psychologically has two sides, one black and one white. So the fallen bodhisattva can express them both in a very marked way. Sometimes in a very contradictory manner. A fallen bodhisattva will be able to notice a great love inside for the Being and esotericism, and also at times a strange rejection towards the Being and karma and also a great desire to jump into materialism and excel in the endeavours of materialism.

These forces clash inside the bodhisattva producing very negative states and often intense crises.

Yearning and Rejection

The fallen bodhisattva has an immense yearning to enter the light once again, to feel whole in the Being to conquer what one has lost, yet there is the strong rejection towards the Being and esotericism because of the suffering produced by the previous failure. Even the yearning can be mixed with the P.P.P of Pride, yearning to get the light to be better. Of course this also must die.

The fallen bodhisattva may express the yearning one instant then the rejection in the next.

Strong Pride

The fallen bodhisattva has usually a disgustingly strong pride that is strong in the intellectual and mystical fields. They often like to lead and take control. They often clash with others, all owing to this pride.

The worst thing though is that this Pride separates them from their Being, they feel to be a power in and by themselves, different and that makes them disobedient to their own inner Being. This pride does not allow them to do the will of their Father. They resist the union with the Being, and they are very rebellious often and hate authority, even the Gnostic Hierarchy type of authority. They always like to rebel and be different and to ‘buck the system’ as it is said.

Strong Skepticism

Because before when they were raised they knew and had great faith in their Being they have now lost that and the opposite replaces the void that once faith and knowledge filled. So they can have a strong distrust towards the Law, the Being and Life and they can be very skeptical.

Resentment Towards God

They because of the pain of the fall, resent God, because they feel deep down that God, their inner Being should not have let them fall. And now working on themselves they suffer dissolving their egos and paying their Karma and they know that it is for their Being, so they resent that they have to suffer for the Being who is there all happy and free. Well we know that He, the Being is not all that free and happy when we are fallen. We are a heavy burden for Him.

Strong Lust

Usually they have a strong lust, because it was the instrument of their fall. They can have the type of lust that is irrational, which makes sense because to have fallen is to cast aside all reason. To choose suffering over bliss in the Being, one really had to be crazy in lust or rebellion or pain or something else.

Strong Fear

They usually have a strong fear because of their great karma. They are fearful because they know they have karma and they feel that because of that karma, punishment could come at any time and that karma could stop them from uniting with their inner Being once again.

Do not Submit to Guidance

They are so rebellious and proud that they always go by themselves and usually never work in conjunction with anybody else or under anybody else. There are exceptions though, these exceptions are smarter in that they know that being rebellious is not helping themselves in any way to dissolve their pride.

Physical Reality Characteristics and Criteria

Here below are some of the characteristics and criteria of a fallen bodhisattva in the physical side of things.


They are very problematic. If you see a fallen bodhisattva keep your distance, they will get you into trouble of some sort. Reprimands are sure to follow. They are usually always involved in some sort of problems arising from disobedience or doing this outside of the official channels and upsetting the ‘apple cart’. Also their large amount of karma gets them involved in circumstances that are very problematic and complicated.

Expression of the Ray

A fallen bodhisattva has to express his or her ray. So even if they are not working for their self-realisation they will be physically working in the field of their ray fighting for a cause which has to do with the liberation, justice, education, equality, awareness, knowledge of their fellow man.

Usually when a fallen bodhisattva enters the domain of the work on him or herself they leave the physical expression of their ray and enter the spiritual expression and teach or fight for humanity through the spiritual aspect of that ray.

For example, Master Samael was asked, ‘where would he be if he was not working on himself or had not gotten his self-realisation?’. He answered along the lines of: ‘in the mountains with a rifle fighting for liberation of men’.

Another example, a fallen bodhisattva of the ray of the Law may stop being a lawyer, social worker, politician, rights activist etc. and work on him or herself and teach the mysteries of the Law and bring down to men the mysteries and impulses and mandates of the Divine Law.

Gnosis and the Fallen Bodhisattvas

It has been said that Gnosis is really now only for the fallen bodhisattvas. So following this logic if we are in Gnosis, we have a good chance that we are a fallen bodhisattva. In some, there is not much time left and only really a fallen bodhisattva can grasp the knowledge quickly and then raise to the heights of the Being within him or herself.

Point of Rupture

There my missionary told me, in the life of any fallen bodhisattva is a magical and ominous moment or point of rupture. Yes that is right rupture not rapture. Where the fallen bodhisattva must either take off or go down because the clash of those two opposite forces is damaging the person and that clash or friction can not be withstood (it harms and hurts) for any longer. Something has to be done, fly up or drop down.


Your Conclusion

So are you one or not? If you are, the most important thing that you need to do is TO DIE! Die in your P.P.P. If want some information about the P.P.P check out these links:

Don’t Feel Proud

No reason really to feel proud, because a fallen bodhisattva failed and has a lot of work to do, not to mention a lot of karma yet to pay.

A fallen bodhisattva betrayed the white lodge and assassinated the inner Buddha.

Plus it was a very long time ago, and if a fallen bodhisattva does NOT work he or she will still go to the abyss and will stay there even longer than the normal person, paradoxically longer that the person that a fallen bodhisattva could feel superior to.

End (540).

1 comment:

  1. Very good and insightful text! Congratulations!
