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Friday 2 October 2015

In the Beginning Awakening is Separation - (541)


In the very beginning in the work on ourselves, separation is crucial. That is the student has to one day notice a separation, that is the separation between observer and what is being observed. Or in other words the thoughts or the voice in our head and the person who is listening or witnessing those thoughts.

That separation between the voice in our head and the one who is listening to the voice is crucial. Separation produces two things and that gives us the chance to contrast ad to notice the real and the unreal.

Real and the Unreal

That separation of there being a listener and there being a voice is the start of the awakening. What the real and what is the unreal. The real is the listener and the unreal is the voice. To know this we have to observe the voice. How do we know this, simple because the listener is always there as our awareness (we are awareness) and there are times (not very often mind you) that the voice goes completely quiet or even disappears. So if the voice was to disappear then if we are the voice we would then disappear, but that is not true, we stay and we feel totally great even when the voice disappears. So we are not the voice we are the listener, always, always and always.

The awakening is to know that we are the listener and that we are not the voice.

Awakening is to Know the Real

Without that separation and contrast between the listener and the voice we would not be able to awaken. To awaken is to know or realise the truth or the real. When we wake up even only for a second we know that we are the listener and then there is the voice that we are observing and we know that we are not the voice. So no separation no awakening.


We must always make that separation inside of ourselves, between listener and the voice. And identify ourselves as the listener, as awareness and then if we can go deeper into the silence of awareness and intensify our awareness and look towards the source of that awareness – our Spirit – our Being – our Atman.

End (541).

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