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Thursday 22 October 2015

Conviction to be Complete is Strong - (561)


The conviction of the person and even the Being in person, who wants to be complete by him or herself is strong or at least has to be strong!

By complete I wish to refer to being complete in dealing with one’s own impulses, wants, needs (false or real), with one’s own love and with one’s own sexuality. There can exist in a person the conviction to be complete but by oneself and not through others.

The Conviction

Many times thinking of the following: “When am I going to be complete, that is, be complete in my happiness, in my love, in my sexuality and not depend on others to give me the sense of being complete or allowing me to be happy, to feel content within my own skin and love others and be self-fulfilling in my sexuality” I think to myself it is about time that I stop this ego’s search for compensation and correct its function to stop finding these things outside and find them once and for all from inside.


There has to be a point where we say stop and then bite the bullet and teach ourselves or learn to compensate these wants, desires, gaps, voids, needs etc. by ourself or through the Being in us. That is by generating them by for ourselves for ourselves or giving what it is that we want to our Being, which is the same really in a way to give it to ourself.

End (561).

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