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Thursday 22 October 2015

When it Just Gets Too Hard! - (562)


There are times in life and especially more so in the work on ourselves where it just seems all too hard. And because it seems to hard the last thing we want to do is try and move forward. But we know we have to! The decisive factor is how we chose to move forward.

In this post I am going to put forward a suggestion. This technique has certainly worked for me, and it may work for you or it may not, though it may be just good to keep up your sleeve to help out a friend or student who is passing through such a stage.

The Remedy

The remedy or technique consists of two steps. The first step is to make a plan. But not just any plan, the next section describes in more detail how the plan should be made.


The plan must have a firm and clear goal and the way to get to that goal must be made by taking small steps. Very small steps at first and bigger steps later on when one’s confidence and energy has grown.

Baby Steps

The step consists of taking the baby steps. The baby steps have to be designed realistically and made very easy to start. We have to be able to make them. As soon as we take the first step and we succeed, our confidence will grow, and so will our energy. The very important part here is to take a baby step everyday. Keeping your resolution to get to your goal is akin to this consistency.

If a step seems to hard, then break it down into smaller steps and go from there.


Breaking things down into steps that in your current state you can do is the key. Even if these steps are son ridiculously small, that does not matter because if you keep taking them you will get there. A wise man from China, I forget who now, said something to the effect of walk slowly but do not stop.

End (562).

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