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Friday 23 October 2015

To Die is to Terminate a Contract with Creation - (563)


To die in oneself facet by facet is to terminate small contracts with creation. This is because with the transformation or the death of little egoic facets we come to learn the lesson and when we have not learnt the lesson we are tied to creation, or more accurately speaking to life.

He Who Wants Wisdom Must Die

Really when we die in a facet we gain or learn wisdom, we learn the lesson or the truth that was reversed or inverted and obscured or hidden from us. When we have freed the trapped essence we learn how it got trapped or conditioned. We learn what the mistake was that our essence made in creating that ego. We know why we created it and we know that it was a wrong or erroneous move to have created that facet or “I” belonging to a certain defect.


What we have to do is to learn what the ego wants, what it believes, what it feels, what it desires and when we stop giving it what it wants we can see how it thinks, why it thinks, what it believes, what its protests are etc. When we stop and we replace the ego’s function with the same function that the essence can carry out by itself without using others or harming others, we have learnt the lesson and we end a phase of being tied to life. We longer need to be in the same situation or circumstances or hit with the same impressions because we have learnt from that aspect of life and we now vibrate with that aspect of life in a very different way now. We can tear up that karmic contract with life.

End (563).

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