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Wednesday 4 November 2015

Awakening First - (568)


It seems that what is first has to be awakening. Once awakened to some degree there must come death.

When Awakened

When one is awakened the ego can be there but it is not a problem. Because the awakened one will keep his or her essence or consciousness always at the centre, and the egos will be exiled to the outer edges of the psyche where they can not interfere with the central processes of the person.

As soon as someone acquires some awakening, one attains an ability to separate from the ego, because they clearly know what they are. That is, that they are not the ego and so they can recognise the ego and separate from it. This makes working on the ego so much easier and actually more effective.

Die Being Awake is Better

It is much better to die being awakened. Because then one knows what one has to do, why and how.


There are definitions and degrees and degrees, and there are also different types of awakening. The most important awakening is the psychological one where one really knows that one is the essence and one becomes in control of one’s psyche and one knows exactly everything that is going on in one’s own psyche. This is awakening that we have to first conquer.

End (568).

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