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Thursday 5 November 2015

Meet Desire with Consciousness and Transmutation Not with the Mind - (569)


Normally we meet desire with the mind, and this from experience this has not worked out so good.
The overall result is that the mind tends to keep us stuck or fixated on the desire.

The mind will either accept the desire and then make plans or start thinking about how to realise the desire or the mind will reject the desire and keep thinking about it anyway but in a different way. It happens that the ore we think about the more we get stuck and we run the risk of either fulfilling the desire or feeling frustrated or negative, down and blue.

Mind does not Liberate

Overall the mind does not liberate us, it can prepare the way for us to get some liberation from the desire but ultimately it is our own consciousness that does it. A small realisation of our consciousness is enough to do it.

Meet with Consciousness

If we meet the desire being awareness or being our consciousness we can change the outcome. When we go to be our awareness we can see from a little distance inside us the desire and with that distance we can observe and we can comprehend a little. The main thing to see is to see what the desire is of or for or about. Once we see we need to transmute it.

Transmute it

By transmute it, I am not referring to something only sexual but something that seeks or goes inside rather than outside to fulfil the desire. There are many desires and they can be either fulfilled outside of us using other human beings or inside of ourselves relating to ourselves, our consciousness and our inner Being.

To transmute the desire is to go inside and make efforts to get from your own self, consciousness and Being what it is that you desire. Give it to yourself.


This is not a bad system tor way to meet desire if we are wanting to experiment with the ability to have a different outcome rather than the same old one when all these desires that we have in our interior surge to the forefront.

End (569).

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