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Tuesday 10 November 2015

How Pain Traps Us - (574)


Pain in us, that is psychological pain is a very big trap for our consciousness. We really get very stuck in pain. We tend to hold onto to pain for ages and wallow in it, think about it, carry it, protect it, defend and avoid it.

Pain Rules our Lives

Pain especially avoiding it, comes to rule our physical lives. In the sense, that we do so many things and don’t do so many things all to avoid feeling pain or more pain. Pain is like one of the bosses of our physical lives.

For pain to move us around so much, we have to be thinking a lot about it and about avoiding it - especially how to avoid it. So pain is a big space occupier in our mind and of course much of our consciousness gets focussed on it and bottled up in it.

Because we don’t understand pain we get stuck in it and get more stuck in it.

Liberate it!

Really the key is to always try to do something with our understanding and consciousness to liberate our pain - which is really to free our consciousness of the entrapment in pain. Imagine pain to be a bottle and our consciousness is stuck in that bottle. We have to take our consciousness out of that bottle, or start by taking small bits of our consciousness out of that bottle.

If we can try to let go of our pain and make that very first huge effort to look into our pain, to see what lesson it is trying to teach us and what it is telling us that we need to heal. Because that is what pain does, it comes to tell us what in us needs healing.

Then try to understand what in our way of thinking, or concepts or beliefs is causing is clashing with reality ad causing us this pain. Try to see in what way we are forgetting our Being and not relating well to reality that is causing the pain.


I think that the very first step is to look into our very own lives to see how pain moves us and controls us and then go into our psychology to see how pain takes up so much of our mental time and space. Then after seeing this I think that we will have a very good appreciation of how pain traps our consciousness and that there is a definite need in us to work to liberate pain so that our consciousness can be freer and more awake.

End (574).

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