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Tuesday 10 November 2015

Pain as a Teacher - (575)


I think a very big step to do with pain is to see pain as a teacher!

Truly that is what it is, it does not seem like that but when we look behind it we discover this truth that pain is a teacher.

When we don’t look behind it and we just want it to go away pain is not a teacher it is a menace.

Change our Attitude Towards Pain

The tough fact is that pain is going to always be there is one way or the next especially when we have the ego and even when we don’t have the ego. Of course when we don’t have the ego pain will not be there as we commonly know it from the ego but there is always some kind of pain coming from the laws and restrictions in creation.

Taught by Pain

A lot of us are taught by pain. Pain has been the teacher of many people in life and on the path. It has produced some very strong and virtuous people. However, it has also destroyed many people. The only thing that is best when it comes to pain is go straight to learn the lesson that it is trying to teach us. Learn the lesson and change in us what is causing the pain and then heal.

This is how we learn and transmute pain. It seems to be a law that we need sometimes pain for spiritual growth. Sometimes if it were not for the pain of others we would not have had this knowledge or we would not have had the marvellous spiritual teachers that we have today. Perhaps many of the valuable lessons that they impart to us have been taught to them by pain.

Somethings can Only be Taught by Pain

Sometimes there are only some lessons that we have to learn being taught by pain. Unfortunately it is like this. Sometimes it is because others can not teach it, or it is because we are not good at listening or we lack the consciousness to learn without pain. Nonetheless there are things that we must learn and fix only through pain.

The more I think about it, pain can not be avoided ever in life, it will always be there, it will always come around to visit. I think and I am telling myself that I and we have to accept this. If pain were to come all the time, then we would probably collapse, but from time to time it comes.

Pain Teaches us what to Heal

Pain is an arrow that points directly to what is wrong in us. It can be an attitude, a belief, a concept, an expectation, an ego, a desire and or an attitude. The more we look at what pain is pointing at the closer we are to learning and being able to find out what is wrong and therefore able to fix it.


If we can see pain as a teacher and that a lesson awaits us where bye if we learn it well we won’t feel this pain again, I think our approach to pain will change, and that is a big plus for our consciousness. The key it seems to everything in Gnosis and in our life and the path is transmuting or transmutation. What we need to do with pain is to transmute it into wisdom, lessons learnt and into liberation.

End (575).


  1. Excellent article..If you will: Pain arouses feeling and magnifies emotion. Pain makes us go into its root and realize the cause which is often found in oneself. Pain teaches one to change ways. Pain dawns a sense of acceptance of reality. Pain induces a new realm of creativity and being. Pain, in itself, is a great panacea for itself and many other blemishes that one has within oneself.

    Kindly pardon me if the above is written wrongly or too audaciously

  2. Thank you very much for your comments. They were very much appreciated. They were also very wise and inspiring. I agree 100%. Thank you once again.

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