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Sunday 15 November 2015

Karma Teaches us with Pain if we don’t see the Light - (580)


If we are doing things that are not quite right and that inconvenience others and cause others some trouble. We have two options before us. One is for our consciousness to wake us up to what we are doing and then change our conduct or the other option is for the Law to step in and help us. Though when the Law steps in they may help by sending a spark of light to our mind and consciousness or they may send us pain. If we are very asleep they have to send us pain, in the hope that pain will wake us up.

Law Helps

The Law always helps us to have our conduct on track. Whatever pain we receive we send to ourselves. It is not that the Law sends it, it is us that brings it down upon ourselves. They always try to heal us by bringing us into balance.

You know even our own essence may cry out for the Law to help us, because it knows that it can not help itself and so the parts of our Being, our Kaom and other parts work with the Law of Cosmic Karma to help us in any way that will work. Sometimes only pain will work.


Others are a mirror or an indicator of our good or bad actions. If others say we are doing good and our discernment agrees with that and we do not receive pain then things are more or less ok. If it is the opposite then we if we want to not receive more pain, try hard to see what we are doing wrong. Even if we have a negative attitude that brings to us pain and some inconveniences as well.

End (580).

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