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Sunday 15 November 2015

Pain we Cause Others - (579)


No doubt we cause others much pain while we are asleep and while we have the “I’s” or egos very strong and alive in us.

Magical Thing

The really magical thing is, is that because we are all one, what we do to others we do to ourselves. Causing pain to you is the same as causing pain to myself. This is such an immutable law. If we heal another it is the same as healing ourselves now or later.

Pain Caused to Others Comes to Us

It is impeccable and implacable that if we cause others pain, the same pain will come back to us. Sometimes so very quickly and sometimes not. The more intentionally we do it the worse it is for us. If we did something unknowing and unaware we still receive pain back, and that is good because we need that pain to become more conscious of what we have done and what we do.

Even if we do something to another who does not have ego or is not hurt by what we do or say we still receive pain. But a little less than if that person whom we insulted did feel a lot of pain. We always we receive what we give out and if we have the receptors of pain inside of us we feel pain, but if we don’t we don’t feel as much.

Sometimes if we know that a person will get hurt and we say to ourselves, it is not my responsibility, I’m not doing anything wrong we still have a little bit of responsibility and we still do receive some pain in return but not too much.

Pain is All Equal

Sometimes in our arrogance we are so careful not to hurt others in a certain spiritual group but at home we are terrible, because we think that the people at home don’t matter, we still receive pain. Sometimes not from them at home but through the people we are so careful to not hurt.

This shows us that we are all one and everyone’s pain inflicted on them by us becomes our pain.


Causing others pain is bad business, it always comes back, sometimes later, much later or sometimes so very quickly, the same day or the next day. We really need what the Christ taught us “Love one another as you wish to be loved”. That is the key to apply all the time and not allow ourselves to trick ourselves thinking that in certain situations it does not apply.

Though on the other hand we have to be courageous in facing our own pain when it arises in us. That for me is the real courage, to face our own pain.

My goodness arrogance is so terrible! How ignorant it is. We feel so strong and proud to hit another, to blame, to defame etc. But later that terrible arrogance turns to pain and tears. Forget it, don’t cause others pain and avoid situations where you have to make decisions that are going to hurt others. Well except for when hurting one will benefit many more.

End (579).

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