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Monday 16 November 2015

Last Post on Pain - (584)


To conclude now the posts on pain is the last post.

What Does pain Tell us

Pain is telling us that we have a wrong or unbalanced structure within. We have created something within us that is not quite stable or is not quite in the right order of things and we to reach balance or the state of inner harmony we should have a look at ait and fix it up. Of course it is entirely optional we don’t have to do anything about it if we don’t want to.

We somewhere along the line have made a mistake where we have placed some value on something that we should not have placed value on or that much value on. For example if we place our happiness on a person we are always going to be in pain. We have to place our happiness within ourselves. We have to allow ourselves to be happy when we want all the time. Not when others are happy and happy with us. This mistake or wrong action in our psychology leads to pain because others can not always be happy with us – impossible! So then pain comes to us to tell us “hey you have made a mistake within you in placing your happiness on others! To feel happy more of the time you should place your happiness within you!”.

Pain Hides a Lesson or a Truth

Pain needs to be transmuted from pain into wisdom and consciousness and balance. If we accept pain and look deeply into it, searching for what is wrong we can certainly come to transform or transmute pain from pain, discomfort, sadness etc. into light.

Liberate not Contemplate

When we accept pain and look into it we are actually liberating pain! We though before doing this wallow in pain and it only traps more and more our consciousness. Try not to contemplate your pain or carry around with you your pain. Go somewhere beautiful and then look inside you so to liberate it. When you accept it and search inside and balance it you are liberating your pain.

Role of Karma and Pain

The role of karma is to heal that pain in us. Because that pain is there due to a lack of balance. Karma always seeks to balance everything out. We have that pain because something has been built up wrongly in us, we have built a structure within based on the lack in someway of balance and that pain is telling us “hey something is not quite right within you! You need to fix it so that you can be free of pain and healed!”.

If you look deeply into that pain you will see that there is a lack of balance in direction or another. Balance is harmony and the absence of pain.

Just follow your karma and it will act to heal you!

Conclusion and Thanks

I would like to say thank you for reading and urge you to start to be a little more open to the pain that we have within only for the purpose of freeing our consciousness and giving ourselves more possibility of being able to heal our own pain that we have within us.

Also remember please don’t make any decision in pain! Just wait a while and then decide. Wait for the pain to subside.

Thank you all for your feedback and interest, it is greatly appreciated!

End (584).

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