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Monday 16 November 2015

What is the Worst Pain? - (583)


There are physical pains that are severe and there are some that are not as severe. There are all sorts of severe physical pains that have to do with different parts of the body. It is said that child birth is very severe, a heart attack is also very severe, cluster headaches are severe, kidney stones and gallstones are also very severe.

As with the physical there are also psychological pains that are quite painful as well. For example, being betrayed is quite painful, being lied too and deceived or tricked is also quite painful, being rejected is also quite painful, being ridiculed and criticised in public is quite painful and some kinds of failure can also be quite painful.

Why are these Things so Painful

The reason perhaps why these things are so much painful compared to other things is all due to the value that we place on these things and also the certain values that are involved. I all these things that are so painful it is usually the case that very high and beautiful even intimate values of our essence and Being are involved and what happens in these situation is that these values are broken or wronged quite intensely.

What Dante Tells Us

If we study Dante’s Inferno we can learn a lot. We can see that Dante classifies all the human errors in levels of severity. The worst errors are those of deceit and then treason. In treason the values of love and rust are broken or gone against - the same with deceit. So it seems whenever trust is involved and it gets broken the error is the gravest and also the pain is the more severe.


The higher the values that are involved and the more they are broken or contravened the more painful is the experience. Also when high values are involved we also place great value from our own selves on them, we place for example our attention, our love, our energy, our respect, our money our many other things. Most pain comes from some sort of relationship with others or ourselves.

End (583).

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