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Thursday 5 November 2015

Nature of Pain - (571)


This is a very deep subject and I am only going to really only touch on one point, which is that pain is a teacher.

Pain Appears, Stays and Goes

Pain appears, stays and then goes. Most in us pain is usually on the way out – thank goodness right? It leaves us more than stays. But not all the time it can stay for a long time, sometimes very loudly for a short time and then very subtly after that for a much longer time.

Why Pain Appears

Pain appears because essentially something is not quite right in us. Pain comes to show us something, it comes to show us that something needs to be healed or addressed or taken care of inside of ourselves. Basically something needs to change or be dissolved, and as soon as it is, that particular pain won’t come back.

Change our Attitude

Upon understanding this point, we can change our attitude towards pain. We can see pain as something that wants our healing or wants us to change for the better, as something that wants our psychological heath back. So being intelligent we should follow it with our conscious attention to see where it points to inside of us. Then we can work to undo the painful knot and dissolve the concept, belief, way of thinking or egoic facet that is causing that pain.


In pain coming it is showing us something that needs to be healed. So inside pain is the key to our healing. So pain is delivering to us the raw healing or healing in potential. We need to work that pain to get healed, and then what is marvellous that healing turns out to also be the wisdom to help others as well.

End (571).

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