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Monday 9 November 2015

Two General Types of Pain - (572)


There are two types of pain when it comes to psychological or inner pain. One is the pain that is triggered from something outside of us and the other is the pain that is triggered from inside of us.

Triggered from Outside

The pain that is triggered from outside is the very common or typical type of pain that we feel. For example, we fail at something, someone says something about us, we have an argument, we are insulted, we are treated harshly, we are abused etc. etc.

So in effect something happens to us and because of that we feel pain. Essentially he one or more ego in us suffers because f what has happened to us or someone close to us.

Triggered from Inside

This is the pain that can be more intense because it pertains to the way we relate to our inner Divinity. This pain comes from the realisation that we are not doing the best by our interior Divinity. When realise that are attitudes, actions, ill-will etc. are making our inner Being or parts of our Inner Being to suffer.


We all feel at some point these two types of pain. The more we work on ourselves the more we will feel the second type of pain, where that pain is triggered from inside of us.

In all the cases the remedy to the pain we feel even though it may not seem to be, is to do a work on ourselves.

End (572).

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