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Tuesday 22 December 2015

Intimate Christ Posts 1 – Our Past - (657)

Chapter on the Resurrection, The Three Mountains

In the chapter titled the three mountains we can find the following passage of text:

"My son!, you have to suffer patiently the consequences of your errors'', said my Mother Kundalini...
Another night, full of pain my Mother shouts in a great voice, saying:
---My son!, you have replaced me in the physical world with other women...
---That was in the past, my Mother. Now I am not replacing you with anybody...
---You have replaced me with other women.
---The past is past, what is interesting is the present. I live from instant to instant, it is wrong for me to argue with you...
---Past, present or future, you are the same...
--- You are right, my Mother...
How could I deny, then, that I had converted the Temple of Mercury into a sporting ground?

You are the Same?

When reading this for the first time we may think that if we committed errors we are forever the result of those errors. Just as the saying goes “once a thief always a thief” or “once a drunk always a drunk” or “once a killer always a killer”.

If the Divine Mother says that past, present and future are the same it must be true, yet Master Samael managed to pay all his human karma and dissolve all his defects and he could not still be the same person that committed those errors in the past.

Perhaps the answers is yes, we are the same and no we are not the same.

To Redeem

To be redeemed essentially means to return or to reacquire what was once lost. To be redeemed or to redeem oneself means to have paid the consequences of one’s errors and to have restored one’s inner and external nature to what one was before.

Obviously we have all committed many such errors in the past and we find ourselves at one point or the other needing some sort of redemption or redeeming.

When we work on ourselves and pay the karma of all the errors we have committed with a certain “I” or defect, and we manage to dissolve that defect we then in one area are redeemed. Our nature is entirely different in that area, we no longer harbour the cause within us that would lead us to committing such errors again. We are clear of that potential to err again. Yet we in the past have erred. It is marked in our history that we have committed that error, and that we can not erase it. Though even though we can not erase that history, we still have the chance to raise ourselves up again and redeem ourselves in the light, in the Being.

Chance to be Redeemed is of a Grace, the Grace of the Intimate Christ

Really this marvellous chance to be redeemed really comes as a grace to us. It may also be that justice has always its limits and that every karma has its start and end, though the act of being transformed, thus cleaned and united once again with the Being is of a grace of the Being Itself through our Intimate Christ. Our Intimate Christ is that special factor, that special help sent by our Father in Secret to help us to redeem ourselves.

Obviously the two major works of the Intimate Christ in redeeming us are to do with the payment of Karma and inner transformation, that type that transforms us from inside cleaning and clearing the old so that the new may enter and stay.

End (657).

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